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Here's my submission for the Darwin award recipient!!!!

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I cant think of one person I could trust running that gas pedal........except maybe Stevasaurus......LOL

Edited by c161rat

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Ya Hay Der Hoser...that gives me an idear. :) No snow to plow...why not?? Where is my cup??


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was just waiting for that cutting tool to really dig into the wood and give him a good whack in the head........... :woohoo:

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I didn't realize that "Red Green" had a brother that is into woodworking! :ROTF:

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" Dear OSHA....not sure why I lost and eye and a hand while carving wood. I was wearing my reading glasses, wearing my long gloves and had my protective coon-skin cap on."

What a dope!


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:eusa-doh: Here's your sign

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How long before they start putting warning labels on mini vans now, LOL

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So uh, that is what they do up there in Hockley Valley for fun Don? :ychain:

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Well As Red Green would say " If the women dont find you handsome at least they find you handy."

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dont think the saftey glasses and jack stands are going to help this guy.

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Front wheel drive with power steering one little turn of the wheel could launch him over the hood.

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That is just a special kind of stupid right there.

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