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Got to plow again!

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Dad let me plow again last night. It was very fun. My "horse"was plowing a hole lot better than I expectided. I got to plow half of our stuff and all of the neighbor's and made some $. It's supposed to snow for the next few days so I should be able to plow again soon. :happy-jumpeveryone: Here's me at work


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Snowplowing = fun for all ages!

I still enjoy a good snow removal session and I'm almost 47 years old. Looks like the you and the Ranger are doing a great job :eusa-clap: !


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Have fun, I kinda wish we had some snow to play in, and I don't live that far from you.

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Grandson is prayin' for a pile of snow, he sits on the '85 416-8 ready to go for any snow! :laughing-rofl:

At 65 I look but don't touch. Why not let the kids move the snow? And grab a few bucks from the doubting neighbors while they're at it? :laughing-rofl:

Pork Chop is learning the biz early! Good for him (and his lazy Dad!). Pay up Daddy-O!

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That's great to see a young man enjoying the great outdoor's on a wheel horse ! :thumbs:

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That's great to see a young man enjoying the great outdoor's on a wheel horse ! :thumbs:

Life doesn't get much better! Ride 'em Cowboy!

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Tankman, Daddy has paid plenty! A 9yr old with a 4 wheeler, a tractor and a gun. He's spoiled, but a good spoiled. I have to crank mine up before he gets home or I get no seat time! :no: He insists on doing it all and if I crank the Ranger there is hell to pay! :angry-nono: He inspects the yard every day for any evidence of horse play that he didn't get in on. lol When he's plowing, there is always a group watching, amazed that a little boy can run it and do the job. He's a worker with the memory of an elephant! :handgestures-thumbupright:

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bundled up against the cold and having fun!!! :D

growing up we had a 2 stage walk behind so I never had the fun of plowing/blowing using the B-80.

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Tankman, Daddy has paid plenty! A 9yr old with a 4 wheeler, a tractor and a gun. He's spoiled, but a good spoiled. I have to crank mine up before he gets home or I get no seat time! :no: He insists on doing it all and if I crank the Ranger there is hell to pay! :angry-nono: He inspects the yard every day for any evidence of horse play that he didn't get in on. lol When he's plowing, there is always a group watching, amazed that a little boy can run it and do the job. He's a worker with the memory of an elephant! :handgestures-thumbupright:

Now, that is a smart young man!

Years ago a neighbor pulled me aside, "I don't want to sound nosey but, when you're not home

your boys are racing your :wh:'s up 'n down the road."

I never mentioned that chat to my "boys." :laughing-rofl:

Couldn't keep the wife (or "boys") off the Old Horses, one had a 36" RD mower pulling a sweeper. Yard

was always groomed when I got home. Snow was always plowed, when I got home. "Boys" smilin' too!

Too bad no one adopted the gas cans? :laughing-rofl:

Grandson prays for snow nowadays (all winter!) and wants his ATV fixed and he "wants" it NOW. Wow! Demanding.

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Looks like your doing a good job Pchop. It reminds me of when I lived in Alaska and they held the FUR RONDY in Feb and there is a carnival with carnival rides and the children were all smiling riding the rides IN FEB IN ALASKA

I couldnt help but wonder if the smiles were frozen to there faces :happy-jumpeveryone:

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Fun Engineer

Looking good Porkchop. Keep up the good work and don't forget to have your dad show you how to grease the front wheels and axle, steering and check and change the oil when its time. Regular preventative maintenance is very important if you want seat time. Your doing a great job with him Russ.

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Thanks Dave. The front wheels are wobbly, do they have bearings or bushings? I haven't had time to check and it doesn't get enough ground time right now to worry about making it worse. Come summer tho, those puppies need some attention. :eusa-whistle:

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Good work PorkChop! I know Dad is proud of you. My grandson is hoping it will snow enough here this Winter so he can plow some too. Keep up the good work Son :thumbs:

Edited by Wheel-N-It

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Hey! I got to plow again. :happy-jumpeveryone: It was so fun. I got to plow with the back of my blade.


I was building up the snow bank so I could make a ramp so I could dump the snow right over.



My neighber wanted me to plow but he wouldn't pay so I said,"pay or you can shovel." He didn't pay so I didn't plow his yard. Dad let me plow on my own cause he had to do the other side of the house with his tractor because mine would tear up the lawn.

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PorkChop, do you have any videos posted showing you plowing? My grandson and I would like to see them if you do.

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Thanks for allowing some of us to plow vicariously through your efforts. Keep up the good work!


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Fun Engineer

I don't know Russ. I would think that they would have a bearing. I've never had the front wheel assembly apart. Maybe LaneRanger can tell you. Looks like Pork Chops getting some good seat time. I was out on Friday with my blower and Sunday with my Polaris and plow.

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Van, I'll try a vid with my phone as that is where the pics are coming from. I'll just have to figure out how to get it to my computer without using a hammer! :banghead::angry-cussingwhite: I can email pics, but videos are too big and the software is a pia. It's supposed to snow thru Thursday so there will be a chance to get one or two. I would not let him out today as it was 20 below with the wind.

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Dave I was wondering have you sent that manual out?? :)

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Van, I'll try a vid with my phone as that is where the pics are coming from. I'll just have to figure out how to get it to my computer without using a hammer! :banghead::angry-cussingwhite: I can email pics, but videos are too big and the software is a pia. It's supposed to snow thru Thursday so there will be a chance to get one or two. I would not let him out today as it was 20 below with the wind.

OK! Isaac and I will be excitedly looking forward to seeing little PorkChop at work! He really is a cutie :text-woo:

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No vid today. It was -7 at 5:30 this morning and up to 0 at 5pm when I rolled in from work. I cranked the C-121 and blew out the yard in 10 min, a record for me. P'Chop was teary eyed when I came in 'cause he didn't get in on the action. I explained it was just too cold out in the wind and he would have his turn yet this week. Supposed to warm up to almost 20 and snow thru Sat, and he will not be denied!

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great job plowing

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Fun Engineer


Sorry I forgot. Send me your address in a PM and I'll mail the copy to you. I tried to send it in an email but it was too large. I'll get it to you asap. Send me Pork Chops real name and I'll address it to him.


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I do understand. -7 is too cold for little PorkChops to be out on WheelHorse, thats for sure! He will get his turn Saturday.

Hang in there PorkChop. Saturday will be soon!!! :happy-jumpeveryone:

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Lane Ranger

Great to see the Lawn Ranger plowing in action!

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