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What Wheel Horse to pull a trailer?

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Hi all,

I'm a new member and loved the Wheel Horse (212-5) we had until a few years ago. It was a great tractor to pull our little trailer and I was thinking about buying a WH to replace that one. Due to the fact I'm a student, my budget is limited and a bigger tractor would be overkill I think.

I started searching on the web to find a WH in Belgium that was for sale. So far, I've found 3 options pretty close to me.

-There is a 416-8, I think a Belgian member here is selling it. Did some digging around and think wh1257 is the owner?

-Also found a C121 (recently restored).

-And a D200 (working but needs a paint job) for sale.

The 416-8 and C121 have the same gears I think. Both have the 8 speed.

The D200 was only sold as a hydro, if I'm correct? A good system but hard to get spare parts for it in Europe?

So what would be best to pull a little trailer? I want one that won't suffer from it. I pretty keen on my material and try to keep them in great shape. I can do maintenance myself. I personally like the D200 because of the 3 point hitch, and the possibility to make a little loader on it in the future. Next to that it's probably the most versatile one of the 3 and has the highest weight what would probably make it more suitable to pull a trailer.

The asking price for the C121 is 850 Euro, the 416-8 is 1250 Euro. I don't know the price for the D200 yet.

Regards, Typhke


The 3 choices are now (all 8-speed):

C-111 new B&S engine, no mower deck: €800

C-121 Kohler engine, new battery, with mower deck: €850

416 Kohler engine, check picture: €1250

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any one of those tractors will pull your trailer. but the D200 is the only one that could handle the future loader. Im sure it will be the most expensive one to buy & maintain

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Given only those three choices, I would get the 416-8.

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If you did everything with a 212 5 speed, I'd stick with the C-121 it will pull more than the tractor you had, and will be pretty easy to get parts for, the 12hp is a great all around engine, the 8 speeds have less maintenance, I'm assuming that you listed it, it is in your price range? now buyer beware you said restored some people put a spray can paint job on a tractor and call it restored, look it over good, test drive it, second on the list would be the 416

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I like my 416-H pulling the trailer, I think that an 8-Speed 416 would even be better for that task.



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Thanks for the quick replies. I figure that the 8-speed transmission would be the big advantage compared to the 212-5?

The 212-5 got sold in the divorce between my parents so didn't have any gain with that. I wanted to keep it :). But the one didn't need it and the other didn't appreciate it, so it got sold.

Yes, restored is not the same as restored I guess. The C-121 has the original Kohler engine so that's a good sign if it still runs good. Now I've read both positive as negative things about the Kohler engine but most say it is build to last forever? It has also gotten a paint job (easy to make it look good) but would run very good and would be in great shape.

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trailer tire could've used some air...

"The asking price for the C121 is 850 Euro, the 416-8 is 1250 Euro"

i think both would work fine

it comes down to money, if the 400 euro extra for the 416-8 (~$550 american dollars) is not a concern, i woud get the 416-8

i would not get the D, parts and attachments are less available

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Jake Kuhn

the 416-8 or the c121 would do well. The D is kind is probably alot more than you need for just pulling a trailer. If you were a using a 212-5 the c121 would be twice as much tractor so would probably be all you ever need. ~Jake

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The C-121 has the original Kohler engine so that's a good sign if it still runs good. Now I've read both positive as negative things about the Kohler engine but most say it is build to last forever?

i think most of the negative stuff would be directed towards the series 1 twins, cant say ive ever heard or read any negative toward the single kohlers though. if the c121 has the original kohler and still runs good, if its been maintained it should last quite a long time....

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Thanks for all the input guys! As long as I don't know the price off the D200 it's hard to say I guess but with the reactions here, I would go for the C-121 unless the D200 is a cheapie and I can't let it go :).

What is the biggest difference between the C-121 and the 416-8 except for the horsepower? The 416-8 is more recent but next to that?

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I would go for the 416 first, the C-121 second and would probably avoid the D-200. The D's are cool and all but I wouldn't want it to be my only tractor. Is the 416 a Kohler single or an Onan twin?


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:text-welcomewave: to REDSQUARE! Both tractors are excellent for your needs. And who knows, you will be bitten by the Wheel Horse bug and you will end up with both of them!!!

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Thanks JimmyJan. I really like the Wheel Horses. They are built strong and we had one for around 20 years and never had troubles with it. Had to replace some minor parts but never anything big. So who knows :).

The 416 is a Kohler single cylinder. It hasn't got the normal lawn tires on the back axle but ones with more traction. Don't need them and maybe they'll even have a shorter live in this case because half the time I'll be on paved ground.

Is there a difference between the thickness of the back axle on the C-121 and the 416? Are the older 8-speed transmissions better than the 5-speed?

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Any one will do. You can think in terms of which is most practical (probably the C121) or which you would enjoy owning the most. At some point you will want one of each. In my view, there is no better trailer tug, at least for my situation, than a D series. I have heavy things to move around and I just enjoy having it.

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Typhke :WRS:

Be sure to let us know what you buy, and :wwp:

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If all things are equal mechanically, then I would go for the 416. It would be worth the extra money. The C121 is a fine tractor, but if you love Wheel Horses then sooner or later you will want one with the K-341 16hp Kohler. So you might as well get it now. Where I live the 12hp Kohler Wheel Horses are easier to find.

You have probably noticed most of us here sooner or later own more than one Wheel Horse. Chances are you will too.

Welcome to :rs:

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Is the K-341 16hp Kohler that superior? One of the strongest single cylinder motors I guess?

Thanks for the welcomes and pictures will come when we get to a buy. Not yet there :).

Yea I see you all have multiple Wheel Horses but I'll TRY to keep it at one for now :). Already got 3 chainsaws in the last 2 years but they all have a different use. Harder to explain why I need a few tractors/lawn mowers. I'll try to keep it a tool and not a toy for now. I'm still young and main goal now is to optimize my way of processing wood, not getting a garden full of lawn mowers!

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I agree with the many that indicated the 8 speed would be more durable for pulling a trailer than a hydro. Don't get me wrong, a well maintained hydro can pull trailers "but" they are often abused and not maintained correctly by the owners. Hydro is also much more expensive to repair or replace. I personnally prefer a manual trans. I would lean towards the 416-8 or C with the consideration of you saying you had a tight budget. (I would love a D series also, but have to be careful)

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O, forgot, I love my Kohlers K series engines, take care of them and they will last forever!

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I would go for the 416 first, the C-121 second and would probably avoid the D-200. The D's are cool and all but I wouldn't want it to be my only tractor. Is the 416 a Kohler single or an Onan twin?


this is the 416 he is for sale


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can whlvr

given that the 416 is a kohler there would be no question that i would buy the 416,they have basically the same rear end,thats the 121 and 416,the 121 has what is called an iso mount that the motor bolts to,no big problem but the bushings do wear and are a bit pricey,especially if you have to have themshipped to belgium,the head lights are superior on the 416 also,and it has nice rubber,does it come with any attachments,you will want a mower deck at the least,if your like most of us here you will want all the attachments eventually,hahahaha,both the 121 and 416 will use the same attachments,the d uses all of its own,the rear end from your previos wh isnt nearly as strong as the 8 speed,i own a c101 and its a nice tractor,but as my first i would get the 416 and not look back,the 16 hp kohler is in my opinion one of the best small engines ever built,and ive never heard anything bad about the k or magnums

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I don't think you will be disappointed with the C-121. I've pulled 12" by 20' logs out of the woods with mine with no trouble. The 416 is for sale by a member who has a good rep for keeping his stuff top notch. Let your concience and wallet be your guide. You will not regret either.

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Now that I've seen the 416 I think that it would be a great choice. I cant comment on the price since I have no way to know what the Belgium market is for garden tractors, but those tires would give great traction. Are you always towing on paved roads?


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The 416 with the Kohler, hands down. The C-120 is a fine machine, for sure, but the 416 is probably 5 years newer,

looks to be in good shape. You will like the extra HP. The only question is price.


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The D200 is no longer a competitor, I passed the sellers details to wh1257 because he was looking for a D200 and the seller isn't thinking about negotiating the price so out of my league. Meanwhile, wh1257 offered me a C-111 (without mower deck) with a new B&S engine on it for €800. There may be an other competitor coming but I'm still waiting on some info about that one.

So the 3 choices are now (all 8-speed):

C-111 new B&S engine, no mower deck: €800

C-121 Kohler engine, new battery, with mower deck: €850

416 Kohler engine, check picture: €1250

@ Sparky: these older garden tractors are pretty rare over here. Don't see them that often and a little but good Kubota, Iseki,... would be at least €2500. I'll be mainly using it to drive wood from the front of the house to the back, that means 50% on cobblestones and 50% on the lawn. So the tires are not an advantage for me, but they do look good :D

Thanks for all the input! Great responses, learning a lot!

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