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Wheelhorse vs Toro Paint & Decals - Questions

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So I've got one Wheelhorse 520-H that is a 1988 and has Wheelhorse red paint and Wheelhorse hood and rear fender decals. I've got a 1992 520-H and a 1997 314-8 that has Toro red paint and Toro/Wheelhorse decals. I especially dislike the Toro logo on my Wheelhorse tractor (though I am appreciative they kept the tractor/design going as long as they did).

I especially like the paint and decal scheme of the 1988. It is my favorite.

My question is - how tough is it to get the Toro/Wheelhorse decals off and put Wheelhorse decals on? I don't know that I want to repaint the tractors, just swap out the decals. Will removing the decals necessitate repainting? I assume Wheelhorse decals, like are on my 1988 model are available?

Any info would be much appreciated.



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First of all, check with Terry the VinylGuy. www.redoyourhorse.com.

Once you have determined that he has the decals you want, make sure that the size is such that it will cover the area where the old ones will be removed. If everything is okay, try removing the old ones by heating them with a hair dryer, lifting a corner, and slowly pull them off.

You may find that the paint under the decal looks better than the paint on the rest of the hood due to fading.

Clean the surface with mineral spirits, let it dry, then apply the new decals.

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I recently did a decal freshening on a 1990 312-8 and it went fairly well.

I used a heat gun to warm the back of the sheetmetal and the decals came off fine. I did have some issues with them lifting some of that crappy "paint" in a few spots though.

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A pinstripe eraser wheel may work well for stubborn decals.

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Ken B

I have done as TT did many times. It works well. Vinyl Guy has the decals and they are top quality. I bought as set from him to have a set "In Stock" should I ever decide to repaint my 88 520.

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A pinstripe eraser wheel may work well for stubborn decals.

Yes That works really good have used it a lot . to remove decals etc on cars..

if you heat it up you can use a Citrus Base like this one to remove the rest of http://www.shop3m.co...tml?WT.z_bynt=1 or this one http://www.shop3m.com/60455030662.html?WT.z_bynt=1

But you can also use WD 40 or somthing but dont work as good as that citrus does..

Just have a clean and "fat" free surface when you add decals on it again..

Edited by Knusern

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Knusern I agree a little heat and that citrus based product works really good. I use the heat first and then the citrus based product (do not remember the name of product I use) to get rid off the leftover glue and or decal. I install and repair squad and fire vehicles including lighting, cages and other equipment and have been asked to remove decals when the are changing out an old car and need to remove decals. Heat lights or heat gun work great and efficiently to soften them up to get them off. Just do not walk away or you can burn the paint with heat lights or gun for that matter if not paying attention. Heat a bit and try removal with a plastic body panel scraper (used by body shops for bondo) until just hot enough to remove then heat again as needed until comletely removed then a little citrus cleaner to clean up the balance, was with soap and water and let dry completely.

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So - once you get the decals off, how do you apply the new ones (especially ones long in length like hood or fender decals) without having them stick all over the place, keep them straight or trap air bubbles?



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Do a search for "applying decals" in the forums. Here is one of the results. :) There are quite a few.

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