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Save Old Iron

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Save Old Iron

This could be a very interesting 2013 project.

My wife asks me if it's raining outside. So I send the dog out and call him back in. He is wet. "Yes dear, it is raining outside." "You're so lazy!" she says. Wonder what she will say if I park one of these in the garage.


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I have watched that video before. That is one neat piece of equipment.

I'm thinking my hand/eye control isn't good enough to operate that, so I will just keep on using the WH with the snow plow......and I'm sure it is a lot less expensive!

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Impressive! ...but I'm with KC9KAS, I would have to hire a techy to operate it.

For now I'll continue to use the red (WH) plow!

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Cool idea, but you wouldn't want to hire me to operate the thing, those shrubs would be history!

By the way, Chuck, there's some faulty logic here -- just because your dog came back wet, doesn't mean it's raining outside. :)

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