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NO LOW Range in B-80

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So I have rebuilt the 8 speed trans on a 1976 B-80( I think that makes it a 5150, if that helps) . It was a total basket case when i got it from a friend. It was literally in pieces. So thanks to all of the great info here on this site I was able to put it back together and she felt good on the bench. However now in the tractor it only works in High it won't shift into low gear. :banghead: I took her out for a spin today and she pops out of high occasionally. I'm really at a loss here because everything looked correct to me. So anyone have any ideas as to why I cant get it to shift in to low? Thanks


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Sounds like you didn't get the high/low gear on the shift fork..if the gear is sitting on top of the shift fork when you push the high/low shifter to high it will move it to the high gear..if you bounce around the shifter will move and let the gear slide out of the high range and will not let it move to low range gear.....ask me how I know.. :*****: I have did it myself..

That would be my guess..hate to say it but I bet you will be splitting it again.

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Well that sounds reasonable I guess the third time's the charm. Thanks opening the transmission up is really not a problem now. I just keep making new gaskets for it. Another useful trick picked up on Red Square.

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Well I opened it up again, I think that was it. I think i put together a half a dozen times but i got it. works great.



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can whlvr

good to hear its all good,i too have done that so dont feel bad,and now you are an expert with all that expierance,haha

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