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12hp k301 off of jd112

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ok i have been made to understand i cant change the pan on the 16hp kohler to the pan i need,so i have a k301 kohler 12hp engine from a john deere 112 garden tractor.i know i may get the same answer but i gotta ask.......can i pull the jd pan off of it and put a wheel horse pan on it? B)

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Yes if it has the same bolt patern.

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If i recall correctly jd used a "short" oil pan and WH used a "tall" oil pan. If it has the "short" oil pan while it will fit, the oil dipper on the connecting rod cap of the "short" oil pan engine will not distribute the oil. You will have to change out the connecting rod with the correct style( long dipper cap).

Good luck,

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refracman,i dont mind changing out the rod and im glad you brought it up before i got in the middle of it and realized it then and didnt have all the parts i need.you are correct,the pan is shallower but has a sump that hangs down lower in the middle of the pan,so the dipper could still be the longer one? B) the reason i asked if a WH pan would bolt to this block is because i i have a k341 off a c161 that i thought i could just change pans on so it would bolt straight to the frame on my c160 but found out the block on that engine wont except the correct pan.

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