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Adding weight to the rear wheels

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Guys, I recently found a product offered on eBay EBAY LINK REMOVED that I thought was pretty neat. I needed to add some weight to the rear of my D-200 to offset the weight of my snowthrower. I didn't want to spend a ton of cash and finding the WH wheel weights is a little tough. Then I found this product from Mike Grubb. I contacted him for verification on fit and then ordered the kit. I will install it this weekend. At this point I can say the parts in the kit are very well made. They are heavy duty and of bquality material. Now I'm on the hunt for the round weights to add to the wheels. Some of you may already be familar with this product. For those of you who are not this looks like a good solution to adding weight inexpensively.


If you're interested, search Garden tractor wheel weight system on ebay.

Edited by CasualObserver
no ebay links permitted on this forum
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:wwp: What kind of "kit" are you refering to... :dunno: the wheel weights bolt on to the rims.

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Ok, I checked ebay and now I see what you are doing, going to put barbell weights on your tractor.

There is a post in the D series section where I made a set of those from scrap i had and used the same weights you are wanting to use. I ended up getting 65# on each side.

Seams to work well on mine. :handgestures-thumbupright:

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Oops! Sorry about that. And I think I remember reading that about eBay links. My bad. But anyway, I think you get the drift.

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This is probably a good way to go if you want something that is ready to bolt on, and where you can stack on the weights until you have what you need.

Or you can bypass the adapter. Get some cast iron weights and drill two holes in each one where the square hole in the wheel will line up with your drilled hole. Then bolt them on to your wheel with carrage bolts/nuts/washers. You will need some good sharp drill bits, and access to a drill press. I will tell you up front, some of them are not easy to drill as they are made out of some kind of compressed powdered iron. But it can be done.

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Easy enough to make some wheel weights. Picked up a pair for a

friends tractor.

Brake drums (sized to fit any wheel), carriage bolts, concrete. Does the trick.

Add paint as required, I mean paint red. :-)

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Hi: This is Mike Grubb. I was Google searching my WHEEL WEIGHT ADAPTERS today and saw this. I have 4 Wheel Horses along with 11 other brands (and still growing) I like to collect. I think my feedback says it all. People who buy them have very positive things to say. Contact me direct through wheelhorseforum.com (mgrubb47122) or mgrubb@aye.net and I'll knock five dollars off to mail them and fifteen dollars off if you pick them up. Great web site. Thanks for the good publicity. Mike G.

BTW: The one that started it all is a 1966 model 856 that my uncle purchased from Ken Shourds Ford Tractor Sales in Rockport Indiana when I was 11 years old. I'm still clearing snow, grading our gravel driveway, and hauling firewood regularly with it. I recently bought an 857 and repowered it just so I could retire this guy long enough to restore it. That's it in the eBay ads.



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I found water tubs that had steps real close to wheel size, Filled thim with a hundred pounds of concrete, made 2 tubes to hold the hold the bolt holes open. Works good so far.

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Hi, Mike, and welcome to :rs: !

Aside from advertising for what appears to be a nice product, don't be a stranger!

Duff :thumbs:

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I drilled holes in some 25lb weights (It aint easy) and bolted them to the rim and it will be easy to add weight by putting a 1`` bolt thru the center. The little Suburban pushed snow easily. I need to shorten the bolts.




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Howdy Mike,

I installed the kit you sent to me. My neighbor's son has an old weight set he doesn't need anymore so I think I'm good to go....if he ever gets them to me. The kit installed in a flash, fit perfect.

THANK YOU for a great product. Once I get the weights on I'm sure it'll help me go in the snow.



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