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C-161 w/Sundstrand Won't Move

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Quick Question - I mentioned earlier that I was always able to easily push the tractor even with the tow valve closed. Now that I semi-rebuilt the transmission, I can still push the tractor with the valve closed but it's very difficult. Nevertheless, it's still possible to move it. Does this indicate a problem?

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Having teh hydro allow you to push it very slowly for a short distance is not a really bad sign. If it resists firmly when you try to give it a quick shove you are OK

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Having teh hydro allow you to push it very slowly for a short distance is not a really bad sign. If it resists firmly when you try to give it a quick shove you are OK

yeah this is exactly what is happening. Thanks!

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I just love happy endings :D

I am glad you took the time to tackle this problem and add to the knowledge base. I was very intimidated also when I tore into mine but I figured it was already broke so why not.

Do you think it feels just as strong as before? Do you seem to have the same or beter performance out of it? I know mine will now pull the front tires off the ground and will dig a hole to china if a put it up against an stump. The top speed has increased and also there is no noticable change of speed when going from down hill to up hill.

I got a chance to take it for a good drive today. It honestly feels exactly like it did prior to the failure. Before, it was strong, did not increase speed when going down hills, and would lift the front wheels off the ground if I accelerated quickly. It does all the same now. I think the failure was very sudden, not a result of wear and tear over a long period of time. I'm thankful it happened the way it did because I believe the quick failure prevented other things like the slippers from breaking.

Again - I'm 99% sure the problem was caused by a failed intake screen which immediately let in sludge and bits of the magnet into the system.

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