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Hello all, I'm a recent member to this forum.

Hoping there might be some folks who can provide some advice/suggestions.

I have a 1968 Wheelhorse 10HP, Charger 10, 1-7931, tractor. The power is a Tecumseh, HH100-115095B engine.

I'm from Pa. & inherited this quite a few years ago & mainly use it for winter & snow removal.

Tried to start her up for this up coming season & it simply would not turn over, even with a new battery. A friend/mechanic took a look & it's his opinion the "stator & coil assembly" ohm output is in excess of 400 & greater then it should be.

My delimma is I checked out most of the small engine repair web sites. None of this particular HH100 engine in their data base. Different HH100 series though do show this on their schematic as #254. Scrolling thru their parts list there is no corresponding part number for the assy. though.

I've viewed similar "stator & coil Assy" on ebay but am really not anxious to purchase at $135 by picture alone.

Any suggestions/recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

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If it wont "turn over" I would not be looking into a stator or coil. Did you try to just hit the starter with 12 volts? Could it be that critters have moved in under the engine tin and clogged the starter/flywheel area with debris like acorns and its all jammed up? I've seen that a few times.


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I agree with Mike...the engine should turn over even if the stator test out that it is no good.

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Ya what Mike said, the coil if bad will only not let it start by no spark, is the engine physically not cranking/turning over, or just not starting? I have used solid state coils but they are not cheap, but I can say they are good coming off running engines.

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If it wont "turn over" I would not be looking into a stator or coil. Did you try to just hit the starter with 12 volts? Could it be that critters have moved in under the engine tin and clogged the starter/flywheel area with debris like acorns and its all jammed up? I've seen that a few times.


Follow what Mike said, the starter may have to be rebuilt, you could have a bad ground, or bad ignition switch, try checking for 12v at the starter when you try to crank the engine and keep us updated, at least you've got one of the older ones, so you don't have to worry about relays, I'm not familiar with that model so I don't know if your horse has safety switches or not. I forgot one more thing :WRS:

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Pull the spark plug and try to turn the engine by hand. If it moves then try cranking it with the starter (plug still out). Let us know what you have then.

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