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Now that's a tractor...

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Exactly what I want to do to my 702. :)

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I own a larger tractor like that. I would never want to go that fast or try that on one. My massey mf50 goes 15 mph in third gear, and that is more than enough for me... Specially when your chucking a 7000lb tractor around like that... At least in a car you have a seat belt and some sort of siding (doors) and a roof.

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Hoooolllllllyyyy Crrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappppppppp!!!!!!!!!!

Just proves that some people have way more balls then brains. I don't even want to guess how many RPM's that motor is turning to do that.

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Way too fast for a tractor like that. Jim

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Jake Kuhn

WOW! Thats looks very scary. Looks fun but I would never do that in my life.

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Plow 40 acres in the morning then get a friend to hold your beer while you do donuts all afternoon.

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No wonder they make you guys license farm equipment! :rolleyes:

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THAT WAS AAAAAWWWWEEESSSSOOOOMMMMEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo::happy-jumpeveryone::handgestures-thumbupright: :handgestures-thumbupright: :handgestures-thumbupright:

Need that engine on my 18 auto :techie-eureka: :techie-eureka: :techie-eureka:

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:jaw: Wooooooooooooow!!!!!!!! :scared-eek: I realize its very dangerous, but it looks like alot of fun!! :bow-blue: :bow-blue: I would do it for sure! :thumbs:

Matt :flags-texas:

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I can't believe the back tires have stayed together. They're not made to spin anywhere near that fast.

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i know this topic is a bit old but anyway


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