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Hydro lift cylinder leak

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I have a c175 with a hydro trans with the hydo lift. During the summer it only had a drip every now and then but once we got some colder weather and frost the cylinder leaks quite a bit more. Is there a rebuild kit for these

it seams to be a welded unit. Any help would be helpful, thanks.


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It can be done but not for the typical do-it-yourselfer. The weld needs cut on a lathe and replacement seals installed and rewelded. The rewelding is the hardest part. Best look for a rebuildable cylinder as used on the later models.

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That was going to be my answer...I have the same problem.

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i recently rebuilt the lift valve on my 1983 c175. its just a simple single spool set up. remove the valve from the machine. take the spool out which is connected to up and down handle. there are two o-rings on it. replace the o-rings which i matched up at home depot. oil the o-rings and put it back together. dont mess with the relief-valve side which is set at the set at the factory.it also may be a good idea to replace all the o-rings on the the hoses that connect to the valve. most of the work is taking is taking everything apart to get to the valve.

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Hey hey enterprise...welcome to RS....the op's problem is with the cylinder not the valve, BUT, it is good you mentioned rebuilding the valve case he may want to tackle this also. It is nice to hear that orings can be had at the neighborhood Home Depot.

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I thought my cylinder was leaking on my C-175 and so I got a rebuild kit from Toro for it and rebuilt it but it turned out to be one of the swivels on the hydraulic hose at the front of the cylinder. The hoses are NLA but I took the old one to a fab. shop and they made one up that works. Leak gone.

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Thanks for all the answers. I don't mind the leak it's pretty small now, gets worse when it's cold but once it warms up it's not much at all, I am just worried about it blowing out while I am using it. It's on the up side of the piston so if its down it doesn't leak. I also had another tractor that had a bad swivle fitting, found a hose company that made up new ones, they are not cheap but it stopped leaking. I may just park it for the winter, but want to use the tractor with a blower so I don't have to work at lifting, I will keep an eye out for a new used one. Thanks.

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Just for info: make sure the o rings you buy are designed for the fluid in unit. I used to fix hydraulics and the wrong o ring will deteriorate if not the right type for hydrauic fluids.

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