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Michael Davis

GT 14 1-7441

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Michael Davis

We bought a 1969 GT 14 and it had no electric PTO Clutch. I beg someone to please help us out with this. We have looked high and low and have no idea or does anyone else have any clue on what we can do.

So, I ask my fellow Wheel Horse fans out there to PLEASE help out a brother and give us some ideas on what to do in this time of need.

Please direct us to the right place to go.

Very Sincerely,

Mickey Davis


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Do you mean the pto clutch? Gt14s are hydros the brake pedal on the left side just moves the motion lever to neutral.

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Michael Davis

Yes, the electric PTO clutch.


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They come up for sale on ebay now and then otherwise try the classifieds on red sqaure maybe someone here will have one for sale.

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:WRS: Or you could install a manual PTO on it.

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Have you tried "Kelly" yet? He's in Michigan as well.

There were a few models of tractors that used the electric PTO. All that stuff is about 40 years old now, so its getting tougher to find.

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