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Jake Kuhn

The mother load! (part 2)

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Jake Kuhn

HI guys, heading on our way back with the last of the horses that we bought in the package last weekend. This load is a lot lighter but still a great haul! There's 6 horses and about 15 mower decks. Here are a couple pics of the stuff. ~Jake




truck bed loaded down with mower decks


All ready for the cold ride home


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Nice haul, but why can't you ride back inside the truck Jake...did you pick up some bad gas along the way? :)

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Nice haul, but why can't you ride back inside the truck Jake...did you pick up some bad gas along the way? :)


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Way too cool guys. I had no clue there were more tractors coming! What a mother load indeed!!

I'm guessing you plan on keeping it but I have to ask, are you going to sell that sickle bar?!

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Jake Kuhn

Justin, As of now we are not interested in selling it, but we may change our minds at another time. Just gotta figure out exactly what we want for ourselves and then get to some selling. ~Jake

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totally cool! trying to hold in my jealousy! You guys have quite a bit of sorting and organizing to do!

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Congratulations Jake and Doug. I just wish that I had the time, space and money for what you guys are doing. Great seeing you guys at Scott's. :)

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