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Final week to win Straight From The Horses Mouth

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This is it, the last week to purchase your chance to win one of 3 Straight From The Horses Mouth books. These books are NEW and you are likely NEVER going to have an Opportunity like this again. One of the books is the super rare FIRST Edition!

But that's not the only reason to purchase your chance to win. Every day another 36 (or more) kids are diagnosed with Cancer. They could be your neighbor, niece or nephew, grand child or even your own child. The unfortunate fact is that there is not enough funding to help stop this. One in every 330 Americans develops cancer before the age of twenty and you can help make a difference and possibly win the most talked about book for any Wheel Horse enthusiast.

If you haven't done so, please purchase your chance to win one of these collectible treasures and help a little boy or girl in the process.

The cost is only $10, a little over 2 gallons of gas. Even if you have no interest in the book, please consider buying a chance at the book. You can always decline if you win.

The drawing will take place at Scott's Meet and Greet in Indiana. On hand will be Tom Nunn. You all may remember Tom's son, Max, lost his battle with Cancer. Every day kids are dying, real kids with real mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers. Your donation can help stop this.

Our :wh: tradition banks on the next generation, please help make sure that they have every opportunity to enjoy this hobby as much as you have!

FINAL WEEEK: Ticket sales end Friday October 5, 2012 6:00pm Eastern! Get yours TODAY!

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OMG I was wrong!

I received the books directly from Michael Martino earlier in the summer. Too keep them safe, I never opened the package. I had thought that there was a first and second edition book in there, but I was wrong. I have 2 BRAND NEW SIGNED FIRST EDITION books here! Not a first and second, but TWO FIRST EDITION BOOKS!

Guys, these books are BRAND NEW direct from Michael Martino. You guys know what these bring USED on eBay right? Well I have 2 BRAND NEW one's that 2 lucky people are going to get for $10 each! Honestly, if you haven't purchased your chance what are you waiting for? I am SO ENVIOUS of the winner, these books are unbelievable!

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A final note with just 2 days remaining:

First, if you are a guest reading this and you don't like RedSquare but you're reading this because of a link or for what ever reason please know that this is not a RedSquare event, the raffle was begun by Tom Cornford, the man who now owns Max Nunn's tractor. We (RedSquare) are simply facilitating the collection of funds and advertising the event. The drawing will be held at Scott Mehlberg's meet and greet. While I would be honored that RedSquare is associated with this meet and greet, we are not, the event is hosted by the generousity of Scott and his family and this raffle is by Tom Cornford. I am fully aware that there are many who have issues with RedSquare and you have your reasons but please don't stop you from donating to this cause.

If you do NOT wish to be a member here yet wish to donate contact me admin@wheelhorseforum.com and I will make it happen, contact Scott or Tom on any other forum and ask them how to donate, just please donate. You can also join here, purchase your chance and tell me to delete your account when the raffle is over (assuming that you haven't posted) no questions asked, but again please don't let that stop you from donating to the cause.

Finally the cost is $10, which for many of us is less than 1 hours work. Please consider donating 1 hour to help stop Childhood Cancer. Think of all the 1 hours in your life which don't have positive impact on the world, here's your chance to make that hour count, just one!

My daughter who is a High School Varsity Cheerleader has her cheer team saying before every event:





TEAM, as in TEAM MAX! $10, won't do it, but if everyone donates $10, we can certainly achieve more. Please consider donating, and winning a fantastic book is just the icing on the cake!

So let's leave the political debates to the gentlemen on TV, and contribute to a worthy cause. There are 2 days left, let's make them count!

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Today would have been my fathers 73rd Birthday. I lost him to Cancer, it's hard to lose a parent when you're a kid, I couldn't imagine losing a kid when your a parent!

$10 folks!

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If you ever wondered "What would Cecil do" read this:

My mother was a cancer survivor on two different occasions. She did not end up dying of cancer. I know my parents would like me to donate to Saint Baldrick.

The above quote is from Linda Pond Rea (Cecil & Betty's daughter).

Linda, thank you for the generous donation!

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Damnit! Damnit, Damnit!!! Another one.... Damnit! This little guy lives 10 miles from me!

We're going to need a lot more books!

And I for one WILL keep donating, book or not.

:bow-blue: :bow-blue: :bow-blue:

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Just read an interesting statistic:

The average age of diagnosis for childhood cancer is 6. Therefore, each death after five-years (age 11) from childhood cancer represents a loss of 61 years of productive life (72-11=61). The average age at diagnosis for breast cancer is 61 and each death after five years represents a loss of 6 years of life (72-66=6)

What I find interesting is that a 6 year old loses 61 years of their life, and a 61 year old loses 6 years. Now don't get me wrong, breast cancer is important, but childhood cancer has a bigger bang for the buck, don't you think?

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If you're wondering about the odds of winning a book, at this VERY moment we have sold 93 chances for 3 books. So on average you have a 1 in 92 chance of winning (right?) and a 100% chance of helping!

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95 chances sold. Odds for a book are pretty good, unless of course you're one of the 6092 members who haven't entered.

Chances end at 6:00pm Eastern TODAY!

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I have updated the extra donations and we've collected $740 in addition to the $950 so far which is $1690. Unfortunately Paypal took a portion of most of the transactions, but RedSquare is covering the fees and will round up to the nearest $100. With 5 hours left, you have time to make it higher! Can we break $2,000?

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We're up to $1750, which will round up to $1800..... Can we just get $200 more to get an even $2000?

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The raffle has been closed. I am passing along $1,800 to Tom to be given to St. Baldricks along with additional donations collected at Scott's tomorrow. Thank you all, you are really outstanding people! Good luck, "May the odds be ever in your favor" B)

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midnight rambler

that is very awsome karl, thank you for the hard work with this here on red square, thank you scott for allowing this drawing to be held at your families residence, thank everyone who will be involved in helping out tomorrow and i am also looking very forward to this this year. looking very forward to this this year. thanks again guy and gals who love there children, grandchildren and cannot forget there wheel horse tractors.

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And the winners are?

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Damnit! Damnit, Damnit!!! Another one.... Damnit! This little guy lives 10 miles from me!

We're going to need a lot more books!

Little 5 year old Ty passed away today. Childhood cancer is one of the worst things that can happen to a kid, family and community. I don't know Ty or his family, my son who is a huge Pokemon fan drew a beautiful Pikachu and colored it gold for Childhood Cancer and sent it to Ty. I hope that Ty got to see, it was Sean's best work yet.

While we do not have the donation button up, please consider sending anything to a childhood cancer center such as St. Baldricks. or to a family in your area who is going through the worst challenge they will ever have to endure. If you go to a show and see Max's tractor there, there will be a place to put a donation, put something in there, doesn't have to be for Max or Ty, but for all the kids who are suffering or will be suffering.

I read some of the posts from SuperTy.org and the pain that families go though is immense. While offering a prayer is thoughtful, it doesn't help the scientists fund the research needed to stop this disease from taking anymore of our future. RedSquare will continue supporting childhood cancer research and will host fundraising activities through out the year. It is never mandatory to give, but I will buy you a beer when we meet if you do!

Rest in peace little Ty!

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This is just sooooo sad

what a brave family

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