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Road trip to South Bend warning pic heavy

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We had to pick up my step daughter at her dad's this weekend in South Bend In.

So of coarse we had to take a detour to the old Wheel Horse plant to see where my horses were born. Took a few picks with the phone..... enjoy









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Looks like a place where some good things were made.

Also looks deserted like a lot of American manufacturing facilities.

Time to turn things around?

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:text-coolphotos: Thanks for sharing 'em. :thumbs:

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Jake Kuhn

:text-coolphotos: :text-thankyouyellow:

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So who's in the building now? I cant read the name other than the LOCK part. Are they an operating company?


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So who's in the building now? I cant read the name other than the LOCK part. Are they an operating company?


I was wondering the same thing.........Any-one?

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Lock joint tube. Looks very active and secure lots of no trespassing sighns and video cameras

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Pretty sad. To think such a viable enterprise was once there turning out one of the greatest small tractors ever made...and now nothing, hate to see a site like that...abandoned in moth balls. Those empty plants are up here too.

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Lock Joint Tube is not abandon. It's a very busy place during the week. I used to haul scrap steel out of there. One to three loads a day. As of two years ago you could go in the plant and there are still signs of what was once there. One of maintains guys took me around and had shown me different areas where not much had been changed and even area that Toro never changed. He had worked in the plant when it was Toro Wheel Horse.

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Ken B

Pretty cool pics. Its nice to see that the Wheel Horse plant is still standing. Many of these older plants have been demolished. The building and grounds look pretty well maintained to me. Even though sooner or later they will need to do some repaving you can clearly see evidence that they are at least patching most of the the cracks in the pavement. I think it is in good hands with Lock Joint. :)

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Thats for sharing, I guess its a good thing that the biulding is still used, I just wish there was a bigger push for support for these kinds of industry here in teh USA.

But I guess things like the IPhone being made in a land far far away is just fine...

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The plant was built new for Wheel Horse in 1961 and was very modern for its time and of course maintained by large companies like AMC and Toro after Pond's ownership so it makes sense it didn't become dilapidated. :)


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Years ago when I still lived in northern Indiana I was fortunate enough to get a tour of that building when they still built Wheelhorses there. As a Wheelhorse since 1960 it was quite a thrill. I also was walking the old Studebaker museum downtown. It was on business so I got to go where the public couldn't. On one of the upper floors I spied red objects covered with plastic sheeting. I inquired about it and was told they hoped to devote an area for a Wheelhorse display since Toro was moving out of town. There were factory fresh Wheelhorses dating way back including a diesel model that was sold only in Belgium. If only I would have had a camera!

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Racinbob....Welcome to Red Square!

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I'm a few weeks also visit the old wheel horse factory now are only toro's made

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Thank you KC9KAS. I just found this site a couple weeks ago and I'm loving it! We lived about 15 miles SW of South Bend before we messed up and moved to Florida about 12 years ago. We had 26 acres in North Liberty and I had a nice stable of Wheelhorses including an RJ, 953, a couple 854's, one of which was show quality restored, a C160, a Workhorse 1100. The latter two I bought new. I had some others as well as about every attachment made but I'd have to jump start my brain to remember all the models. I was first introduced to Wheelhorses when my Dad brought home his first new one in 1960 when I was 6. It became a family thing that hasn't ended. We sold our house and auctioned off most of the personal belongings in 2000 so we could jump into our motorhome and travel around. Sadly (stupidly) all the Wheelhorse goodies went in the auction. A few years later we decided to get back in a real house down here so I was in need of a tractor. I bought a Junk Deer which I never warmed up to. Now, try to find a Wheelhorse in Florida! I'd get looks like I was from outer space when I'd ask if they had ever heard of them. Finally I found a 2005 Classic GT on the gulf coast. It was in good shape but needed TLC which I did give it. All the crazy 'safeties' fell off......along with that silly hydraulic damper on the clutch. Some buffing, all new belts, a fresh seat and she's as good as new. I miss my stable but at least I'm back on a horse.

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Always meant to go there but didn't.

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On one of the upper floors I spied red objects covered with plastic sheeting. I inquired about it and was told they hoped to devote an area for a Wheelhorse display since Toro was moving out of town. There were factory fresh Wheelhorses dating way back including a diesel model that was sold only in Belgium. If only I would have had a camera!

Dont' worry, we've got plenty of members who live around that area. Those Studebaker museum pieces are in this topic --->

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On 10/16/2012 at 11:25 AM, CasualObserver said:



Dont' worry, we've got plenty of members who live around that area. Those Studebaker museum pieces are in this topic --->

Has there ever been pictures of the Studebaker museum with the Wheel Horse is in it???

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