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Just Wondering

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I would like to know, Is there any Wheel Horses in Germany? I was stationed there in the 1960s. Sure enjoyed the country,the food and the beer. Regards, Jim

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No, not many. I am from Luxembourg and looking long there on ebay but there is no one

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Where were you stationed Jim? :popcorn:

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Craig I was in Bad Krezunch and Landstull, Yea, been to Graffenver also, Bought my first V.W which was a 1955 also a German Adler motercycle.That was a good period in my life. Hey Bobie01 I sure use to enjoy radio Luxumborg!!

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Spent the entire 80's decade stationed there myself...Mainz, Weisbaden, and Stuttgart were my old stomping grounds.

As a GI...I couldn't wait to leave, but now As a civilian federal employee, I'd love to go back. :)

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Here is the reasen of the problem http://www.ebay.de/itm/Viking-211-5-Rasentraktor-Aufsitzmaher-mit-AS-Bereifung-Briggs-Stratton-/251154784474?pt=DE_Garten_Rasenm%C3%A4her&hash=item3a79fde0da

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Craig, Weisbaden is not far from Bad K., We use to go there to the P.X. Wasn't Weisbaden H.Q. for the 8th. Division? I was in the Seventh Army. I know if you were in Germany you were a field trooper.

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Here is the reasen of the problem http://www.ebay.de/i...=item3a79fde0da Some cool looking mowers any way!!

I dont know how I did this but fun to look at!

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My wife was born on the base in Landstuhl. My family originates from there, and Clausen. Lickteig is the name.

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My wife was born on the base in Landstuhl. My family originates from there, and Clausen. Lickteig is the name.

Cool big Army Hospital, The 2nd. Genleral What year was your wife born?

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My wife was born on the base in Landstuhl. My family originates from there, and Clausen. Lickteig is the name.

Cool big Army Hospital, The 2nd. Genleral What year was your wife born?

73'...She's 5 years my junior, and drives the 854. (video below)


(You all might notice Vince, Steve, Jeff, Wayne, Chris, and John in there also)..That was a fun show for sure.

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Nice video. If I did my math right she was born in 1964 and I left in late 1963. Dang Man I've got Army Boots older than you guys. O and your wife looked as tho she was enjoying the tractor ride. Regards, Jim

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Ken B

My wife was born on the base in Landstuhl. My family originates from there, and Clausen. Lickteig is the name.

Cool big Army Hospital, The 2nd. Genleral What year was your wife born?

73'...She's 5 years my junior, and drives the 854. (video below)


(You all might notice Vince, Steve, Jeff, Wayne, Chris, and John in there also)..That was a fun show for sure.

Where was that show Chris? How'd I miss that one?

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That was the show last year Jeff set up for us. It was the Spring show up in Somers, Scantic Valley. Was our Meet-n-greet for the year. WH was the featured tractor thanks to Jeff. Sorry you missed on that one.

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Im sure there is Wheel horses in germany too.. but hard to find.. They build the Gutbord tractors soo i think that wheel horse had a hard fight to get in to the market in Germany..

And some tractors are imported whit other names.. i will find some pict of them-...

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I spent 3 years there in the 80s stationed in Mainz. Been to all those places. Good times. My daughter was born in Wiesbaden.

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Coadster 32 , I missed that 1973, please don't tell your wife as I guessed she was born in 64. Women get ill when you talk about age. LOL

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Craig, Weisbaden is not far from Bad K., We use to go there to the P.X. Wasn't Weisbaden H.Q. for the 8th. Division? I was in the Seventh Army. I know if you were in Germany you were a field trooper.


Good call...8th ID, 1/59th Air Defense Artillery. Low Altitude Aircraft Artillery, Vulcan, Chaparral platform.


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Coadster 32 , I missed that 1973, please don't tell your wife as I guessed she was born in 64. Women get ill when you talk about age. LOL

Believe me...I aint a gonna say anything!! :hide:

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