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Very nice article.......

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Well we were approached about 2 weeks ago from a local paper that wanted to do a story on our hobby. Some of the facts were misprinted, but it gives everyone an idea a little more about us. Felt honored to be contacted, we had a fun afternoon getting some of the herd out and talking about our fun little hobby.

Attaching a link for you to look at if you feel the desire too........


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Nice write up and I also enjoyed looking at your paper.

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Way to go Mehlberg family... :party:

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Nice article. Thanks for the good read !


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Nice article, see you in a couple of weeks.


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Was nicely written Scott, thanks for sharing it with us. :)

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That's Awesome !!!


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Honored, you should be.

Thanks for sharing.

I herd that! :)

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Great article. What a wonderful story..thanks a bunch for sharing. Kudos to you.

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Very nice article. Thanks for sharing.

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Jake Kuhn

Thats a great article! Really nice writup. Love the picture, with all the tractors around you guys. Jake

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Ken B

Great story Scott!

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Very nice article about you and your family and your Wheel Horses!

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That's a nicely written article. Thanks for sharing and the photo looks great!

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Congrats on a very nice article. I remember back in 2003 when I was contacted by the Washington Post wanting to do an article on me and my restoration of Hoosier cabinets. I felt quite humbled to have a newspaper write a story about little ole me and my other hobby. When the paper was published, I ran out and bought 5 copies. I still have them all here in my desk.

Scott, this is getting to be a habit with you and your dad. First a nice spread in Lawn & Garden Tractor Magazine, now this. What's next?

Keep up the good work. You two are real ambassadors for the hobby. :thumbs:

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Outstanding article, also bet you hear from a lot of people who didn't even know 'others' were interested in this tractor, and they probably have a Wheel Horse or two, just because of your article; and hope to see them at your show in two weeks.

Looking forward to it again, Glen

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Lane Ranger

The Paper did right by the Mehlberg's. They are front page news!

Great article and photo -the tractors are nice but the people on them are greater!

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All I can say is WOW.....thank you again for all of the nice words. We never set out to do anything but enjoy the hobby and the people we get the chance to run in to. We have been blessed immensely through this entire journey. I would have never thought that we would have jumped in to it this deep 10 years ago, but we are thankful that we have.

I will have a copy or two at the Meet and Greet.......hoping to get one framed at some point and displayed in the barn.

Glen..........shhhh, I think we are going to look at an old one tonight just from the article. :)

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