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Save Another Wheel Horse From Scrap/Junkyard

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Just picked up a Wheel Horse 414h from a guy for $50.00 missing the engine but have engine my self for it. The deck is like brand new and the body in great shape. He was going to scrap it!!


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That's looks to be in great shape. Nice save! :handgestures-thumbupright:

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WOW! That's gonna be an awesome fifty dollar tractor. :thumbs: :thumbs:

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Ken B

I can't believe someone would scrap that! Nice score for sure.

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Jake Kuhn

Wow thats one nice tractor for the money!!!!! Great save!!! :bow-blue:

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Glad to see making all these great saves. That's a beauty.

Nice to hear what they cost too, you must be camped out at the junk Recycling Yard, 24/7.

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Well i been fixing,buying,trading,selling for awhile now and ever once awhile when i buy something to fix up and sell i run across a Wheel Horse tractor and end up keeping them. I started my collection about 3 years ago and enjoy these well built machines.Also the internet is a big part of me finding these tractors. Im really a newbie at this compare to all the other Wheel horse collectors on here. I guess i have a Wheel Horse fever!!!

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you must be camped out at the junk Recycling Yard, 24/7.

Naw Glen that's our buddy Kelly (I heard he sleeps in an old van near the gate... but you didn't hear that from me.) :ychain:

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:text-yeahthat: I resemble that remark

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NICE save brother!I found one just the same complete with a locked up motor in a remote backwoods scrap yard last year.I went home to get my truck,talked to the owner and paid him 45 bucks to get back down and find someone got it in the hour and a half I was gone!Was sad to get my 45 bucks back!

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Thanks commandomayo it seems lately on been on a mission looking for Wheel Horses to save. It's a cool feeling when you save one! My favorite save was one I found as I drove a barn that was on fire and burn down to the ground. I just saw a wheel horse wheel sticking out from a distance. Make a long story short talk to the owner dug it out it was a 875 started right up and ran and had very little damage to it. It survive the fire and the owner sold it to me.

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