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$50 and a hope

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picked this up saturday at the TSC tractor show for 50 bucks and heres hoping the the tranny internals are still good because this thing is in really bad shape


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Jake Kuhn

WOW! Nice score the throttle cables are worth more than You paid for it. Crossing my fingers for your trans. ~Jake

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Looks pretty awesome to me, especially for fifty bucks.

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Too cool.

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Here in NC, I would call that "great shape"... :ychain:

Congrats either way.

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They didn't cut the hood just raised it up over the engine. I would say you lucked out.

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Great score! Shouldn't take much, hope the tranny is AOK!

Very nice!

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I woud agree, you did well. The only thing that looks if-fy are the front rims... is that day light peaking through one of the front rims?

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In my home state of Georgia that would be near mint! Any way you could more than double your money in parts.To unusual for tht tho.

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Every challenge is worth taking in the name of :rs:

Have fun with it!!

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The Hood alone is gotta be worth $100

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started taking it apart and heres the bad,bottom of hood rusted away where it mounts to frame,gas tank rusted out,throttle controls are junk and steering wheel is junk.

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I'll take all the junk off your hands for $50.00....LOL

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Oh well it would make a nice lawn ornament

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