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questions about a 1075

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I have a 1075 that was my dad's. He used it for years when i was a kid, and then when I bought a place of my own he let me use it until I could afford to buy something newer. I would like to restore it before i give it back to him. I have a few questions about it though and thought the gurus here would be able to help.


The first thing that sticks out to me is the decal on the side of the hood. From what I can tell it is supposed to be just a script "Wheel Horse" not the whole banner it has now. What year is the banner from? did they possibly change decals later in the year?

My second question is on the lift bracket there is a hole that faces the driver. Is there something missing or is this for some attachtment?


I also need to find a replacement seat for this. Where could I find a new one?

Thanks for the help

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you are right about the script being the correct decal for the hood.....

looks like these ones from terrys site www.redoyourhorse.com


as far as the lift lever and height gauge go here is how it should look......



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Ok so I am missing a height adjustment knob and rod. Thanks for clearing that up and posting pics that really helped.

Is that tractor powder coated? The paint looks amazing.

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yes its powdered...

heres the rebuild thread on it if you are interested......

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