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Max Nunn Donations??

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Hey all on the Forum, Today I met Tom - tomwh1971, I didn't realize he only lives 25 minutes from me. He had a fender I was looking for and I went to pick it up. I found out during conversation that he is the gentleman who ended up with Max's tractor. He has memorial stickers on his truck, and is very passionate about helping raise the extra money in Max's name when Max fell short before he passed away. He brought up something that I had noticed myself, there are 6200 current members on Redsquare, 360 of which were on the site today alone. But yet only 120 or so of us have signed up and pledged $10 to Max's charity, even with the chance of winning the signed book.

I was also one that hadn't pledged any money, times were tough, and I had other more important things that the money needed to go to. But one night a week ago I saw the link and clicked on it. I pledged my $10 even if it meant I couldn't eat lunch the next two days. I also went on to donate an additional amount of money, we all should do what we can. I know its $10, but it's ONLY $10. After a couple days you won't miss the money, but forever you will remember how you helped this boy finalize his dream.

Lets have a big push before the Indiana show, that Tom will be attending, to show our support.


John Chady

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:text-yeahthat: :text-goodpost: :handgestures-salute:

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Jake Kuhn

I just sent mine in last weekend. Lets help max! :text-thankyouyellow:

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In 10 days we've seen some impact, come on guys lets keep this thing rolling. In the bottom right hand corner of the home page is a spot where you can donate any amount of money. It's now over $600. Even if all you can give is 2 bucks, please do, it all helps.

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I agree.......a little out of our pocket now will not be felt 2 weeks from now. Reminder that all of the proceeds from this year's raffle at the Meet and Greet will be donated directly to St. Baldrick's in Max Nunn's name.

We have some amazing raffle prizes this year that you will want to take your luck at trying to acquire! I will try and get some pictures and post some descriptions in the near future!

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Hi, I am new here, and new to wheel horse, could 1 of you give me a brief description of who Max Nunn is, or was, and why I should want to donate for him. I am not trying to be a smart a**, but I've seen a lot of requests for donations, but very little explantion of what we're donating for.


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Steve - fair question. There's a lot about Max on this site if you do some searching - he was a great kid and fought a tough battle with cancer with courage and dignity to the end. He touched a lot of people here during his time among us. As you spend time here at Red Square you'll find we're a very caring, committed group of men and women whose love for red tractors serves as the glue for many wonderful friendships, some close, some distant, but all very real nonetheless. Please take a few minutes to do some searching for the background on Max, and :WRS: !

Duff :thumbs:

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Steve... it all started here....

Like Duff said... put Max Nunn in the search box on the main page and you'll get a lot of the threads and stories.

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I see the needle starting to move on the bottom of the home page. :) It's great that we can all help with this cause. Don't forget (cause I dont' know how you'd miss it) but please click and donate for your chance to win the Straight From The Horses Mouth book.


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The donation button at the bottom of the page is for EXTRA donations. To purchase your chance for the book, you have to go to the store and buy your chance. The donation bar DOES NOT include the book chances (currently at $800) so in total we're at about $1400. Today has been a great day with many of you purchasing chances to win, it's great to see.

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That is fantastic..........that is also not including what we will be donating from our great group of raffle items this Saturday. We should really see the needle move after the dust settles.

What a great group of individuals that I can be associated with. Let's keep pushing the bar a little higher! We ARE making a difference!

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