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Displacing most of my tractors...lets play a game

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Here in about a month or so, I will be moving most of (8 or 9) my tractors out of my shed.

Don't worry, they'll still be out of the weather in one of my dads sheds, but in their place will be................well, lets just keep that a surprise for right now.

You are more than welcome to guess, and I'll give a hint here and there but lets start the guessing game, I'll start with this hint....


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A Kioti? :scratchead:

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A 1955 Chevy.

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You +1'd this publicly. Undonoun. 1. a trick, artifice, or stratagem meant to fool, trap, or entice; device. 2. wiles, artful or beguiling behavior. 3. deceitful cunning; trickery. Relevant Questions ...

What could it be?

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Ok also he stated...Here in about a month or so, I will be moving most of (8 or 9) my tractors out of my shed.

What ever it is has to be small enough to fit in his SHED.

On top of that he is taking his HORSES from thier stable. :confusion-confused::scratchead: :eusa-think:

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Does it go "beep beep"... :popcorn:

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He's putting a Coyote who can't catch a dumb bird or a wise-cracking rabbit in his shed. Or he's filling it it with worn out ACME equipment he got off of E-bay.

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Umm, how big, or small is this shed anyway?

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Are you getting a Roadrunner ??

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That was my thought Steve. Plymouth Road Runner (possibly a SuperBird)!

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Or a Dodge Super Bee?

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He's putting a Coyote who can't catch a dumb bird or a wise-cracking rabbit in his shed. Or he's filling it it with worn out ACME equipment he got off of E-bay.

:laughing-lettersrofl::ROTF: :happy-jumpeveryone:

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To have one of the vehicles mentioned above I would have to move my horses also!!!!




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Does it go "beep beep"... :popcorn:

OOOHHI I know! He's getting his n hers matching mopeds complete with matching jackets and bubble helmets! :ychain: :ychain:

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:hilarious: :text-datsphatyo:

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Jake Kuhn

A Deere? :scratchead: .....


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Could be a taint........

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Could be a taint........

Where I come from this takes up very little room......

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...and where the taint comes from....takes up very little room. :)

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Well....I do see the correct answer above :eusa-think:

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Well...I guess that narrows it down. :)

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Jake Kuhn

now we just gotta figure out which one...I hope it was not my guess :hide:

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It's not Jake's guess.....I already have one of those... :hide:

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Ok, what year is it? I had a 70 RR.

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