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ing keys

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question about ing keys for a 753 are these the double prong keys with the split up the center and are they rare and hard to come buy and is this the only tractor that uses the double prong keys? also the black plastic square logo wh keys can you still get them or just the reg keys i know you can get thanks joe.

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They are not rare nor are they wheel horse only keys these were also used by massey ferguson for their tractors go to ebay and do a search using the following words massey to20 key and you will find several sets for around $4 you can still get the ignition switch also. This key was used on many wheel horses my 701 653 753 702 have them and I am sure there are some other models that used them. These can also be found by searching for the following part number 180292M1

Another key that was used later was made by cole hersee also... it was nicknamed the snoopy ear key these can easily be found on ebay just by searching cole hersee key or part number 83353, wheelhorse did not make their own keys in the early years they used what was available. The later keys with the square wheel horse logo on the end shoud still be availble I will do some checking, these are a universal key with some wheel horse bling so if you just need a key to replace the one with the black wh logo you can go to most hardware or small engine shops and get a universal key.

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As said above the split key was used on a few tractors for a few years, you can get the ign. switch new still but it does not fit the hole in the dash, as for the new logo key Glen makes a perfect repo he is a vendor here.

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jay in nc

john deere also used these keys in the 60s our 64 2010 used one. Jay

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thanks for the info. a person i know has a set of the split keys new in a wheel horse bag. he is no t into wheelhorse and wants to sell them to me and he says there are very rare. dont need them but if they were hard to come by i would get them. the black plastic logo key i have the plastic part just came apart and off key but key still works. would like to get a replacement black logo key. again thanks for the info . this is a great site for wheel horse thanks joe w

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