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The Only One I Saw

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Granted, in only lasted a moment...until he moved.

But, for that moment...crickets stopped chirping, and time stood still. :jaw:

:woohoo: You did it Zack, you da man buddy! :bow-blue:


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Good Job Zack! :thumbs:

Matt :flags-texas:

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superb Pic Craig

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70 dart man

thanks bowtiebutler956

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Go ZacK go ! :omg: :wicked:

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Glad you got to see it. They shut the teeter totter down this morning when a little guy flipped his RJ. Don't think we are going to see the teeter totter next year.

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What a bummer...sincerly do hope he and the tractor are OK though.

Must have been pretty traumatic for him. :jaw:

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Both survived with minor injuries. But the staff came out and put an end to the teeter totter.

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Maybe with some volunteered supervision on post, they will allow it to return for next years show.

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Oh come on, teeter totter at your own risk! That shot of Zack was great!

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I witnessed a little guy on Friday, couldn't have been no more than seven...on a big 'ol 520 just manhandling that ramp like it was nobody's business. Drove onto it hard, spinning the tires both forward and reverse...repeatedly too...that little guy scared the crap outta me. That was a fun sight to see.

Zack put on a pretty good show too, had a crowd gathered to watch...produced lots of smiles for everyone too.

Would be a shame to see it go permanently.

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I heard a story last night at the show about an older woman who was on the teeter one year and also flipped a tractor over on top of herself. When everybody ran over to her and asked if she was ok, she replied "never mind me, how's my tractor"! That's one tough chic :eusa-clap:

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Ken B

I would hate to see the teeter totter go. I'm glad nobody was hurt bad. I did see one young guy who I happen to know balance it out on an RJ. A few of us saw it. What did the kid look like on the 520? I know that on Thursday late afternoon I told my son to stay off of it.........

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Your son has the cast on his arm, right Ken?

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Ken B

Yes, tell me it wasn't him....

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Umm...well...no it wasn't him. LOL

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every year, I'm fascinated by the sheer number of kids driving around, in groups and singles on different rigs! they seem to be having all the fun and us old guys/gals are just standing around jaw jacking! it's good to see the next generation outside and enjoying the red machines we love!

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My kids not little anymore but he managed to go thru almost an entire tank (C-105 under the fender pan type of tank!) of fuel. When he was younger he would spend a few hours on that teeter totter thing.


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70 dart man

it is so hard just to get that thing perfect :eusa-think:

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every year, I'm fascinated by the sheer number of kids driving around, in groups and singles on different rigs! they seem to be having all the fun and us old guys/gals are just standing around jaw jacking! it's good to see the next generation outside and enjoying the red machines we love!

Yep, I was checking that out too. I spent the majority of my time there, riding around with my buddy Zack, and his new tractor.

I can tell you, we had a blast...much more fun than standing around "jacking" all day.

That Techy of mine is quite the little fuel miser too...I left it run all day...barely used a quarter tank of fuel.

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Yep I noticed a lot of kids really burnin up the fuel. I almost think it's one of the best parts of the show


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