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Add hitch?

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Ok so i'm looking at a C121 but it has no hitch on the back. Can i simply add a sleeve hitch or does it have to be factory? If so are they easy to find?

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Some guys fab up what they want due to their skills and resources they have, but you can locate a hitch quite easily on the auction site and on this site under FS and Wanted section.

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Ok so it's an easy add on? and it uses the same lever to raise and lower as the deck right?

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You can put a double hitch on it if you want. They are all over e-bay. Stock bar hitch with a round hood slot hitch. Very handy.


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Thanks for the help guys. This is going to sound like such a newbie question but if the slot hitch is a round hood thing what kind of hitch did the c series have for something like a garden plow that needs to be raised and lowered?

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I think you are talking bout a sleeve hitch. I am beginning to look at that kind of system too. I have always used three point impliments on bigger tractors, so I don't know alot about the smaller sleeve hitch stuff. I don't know if you can find a ready made sleeve system for a wheel horse, but certainly one can be fabbed up. I am looking at installing one on a IH Cub Cadet. Good luck with your search.

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Yes you can install a sleeve hitch on your C-121 and you will need a cable tube that goes under the gas tank to be able to lift it and lower it. You may already have one on your tractor. A cable goes trough there and attaches to the hitch, The other end attaches to the lift arm under the tractor.


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To make it even better you would want to have the rear rockshaft too. It goes under the seat and hooks to the cable then uses them same chain you can use to lift your tiller. I will say it makes it much easier to lift even heavy implements, like a brinly back blade. Just my two cents worth. I will see if I can locate the part numbers for the shaft.


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Thanks Lynn and Joel- that's what i needed to know. I did buy the tractor but i haven't picked it up yet. You may have seen it on ebay in Buchanan TN. I paid $200 for it. It runs but it's going to need rings when i have a chance to do that- hopefully this winter. Yes yes yes i'll post pics when i have the tractor! ;) Anyway Joel what exactly is a rockshaft? i keep seeing the term but i'm not familiar with it.

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This is what it would look like with the seat pan removed-

Then with the cable hooked-



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Yeah what he said and showed! Thats the part you need. If you cant find one let me know I happen to know a guy that may have one.


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Ok then how does the rockshaft connect to the sleeve hitch?

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can whlvr

with a small piece of chain

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