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Best Sounding FACTORY Engine/Exhaust Combo

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Ed Kennell

K-341 with 2 feet of 1.5/1.75 sst tubing

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Jake Kuhn

I love the sound of my little k91 on the 401 at idle. The stack sure makes it sound cool. May have to post a video of it running so you guys can hear it. Jake

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My choice is between the Onan's and my KT-17 Series 1 in my C-175. My pick goes to the KT17. When it gets into some heavy snow with just the right speed and the auger is being fed perfectly, the motor hits a sound that is absolutely a joy to hear. It idles with a rhythm that sounds like my old AMF era Harley Sportster. I have the 16 and 20HP Onans and I still love the KT in my C series. I'd love to replace both the Onans with KT's if I could find them.

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I have a 416-H and a 312-

I have a 416H Onan and a 312-H Kohler Magnum, the Onan sounds the best by farrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


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Will G

OK this isn't a tractor but it's old and sounds good which is the old Wisconsin VH4D on the travel lift at the marina I work at.

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My K341 sounds strong, my K321 was louder...then... :scared-ghostface: My friend has a 16 Onan that sounds smooth. 20 hp Wisconsin's on New Holland pony balers sound good under stress, But a Ferrari 12 cylinder at full song is my fave. :bow-blue:

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