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Hey guys I'm new to the forum. Had to sell my old hot rod to pay the bills so I decided to rebuild my 310-8. I think it's a 21-10k803 with a kohle241s spec. 46863. My harness has been hacked up over the years and the colors of the wires are impossible to make out so I'm trying to make a semi custom harness. Any info. On the electric system would help me out. I have a bunch of left over race style toggle switches and push button start. Can I use these via a fuse box to run the accessories starter, ignition, elec. Fuel pump, and set of auxiliary lights. Will I need to upgrade the stator, and if so are the ones from the bigger k series compatible. Any help would be appreciated, electric isn't my specialty and I'm kinda shootin in the dark

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Toro want's to sell wiring harness for this model there drawings are help on the wiring the connections but wiring can't be traced, can't tell witch wire goes where. Hope your wiring isn't so maingled that you can't tell where it goes.

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You have a 15 amp alt in your kohler engine. That is the same form the k181's to the twin engines. I would recommend led lights to save on power. As far as I know, there isn't a larger stator that puts out more then 15 amps.

down load this to help with your wiring issues

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Kohler K241S-46863 should have battery ignition and 3 amp unregulated charging system to charge the battery plus a second stator that provides AC current to the lights only.


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My harness doesn't match any of the drawings completely. Mine has some variations that have got me stumped. I think I've got more than half of it worked out by adding various switches and such. Does anybody know if I can delete the pto and seat safety switches?

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Yep, they are deletable. Its done all the time by the guys with bum safety switches who would rather eliminate than replace (done it myself but I wont recommend it :eusa-whistle: ). Obviously the safety factor of the machine goes up. Do you have young-un's using it?


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i have a columbia that the kids use to cut grass. the 310-8 is what i used to use for heavier work around the property, restoring it is just a hobby. will i effect any other electric componants by deleting them or can i just cut them out. the pto safety switch in mine has 4 wires going to it, 1 to the solenoid, 2 to the ingnition, and i think the other is going to the other safety switch. would i need a relay or somthing to take the place of the switch or can i just cut out all the wires that go to it.

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Take it from one who knows. When accidents happen,you'll be glad you left those safety switches wired in. Just my advice and you can do as you want, but I had an accident and was really thankful I had them and that they worked. Oh, almost forgot. :WRS:

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It's not so much that I want to delete them, but I'm having hard time tracing all the wires being that therenisnt really a diagram for my tractor. I've got most of the wires traced but I'm getting hung up on those two switches. The whole project is just a hobby giving me something to tinker with since I lost my truck plus it's a lot more affordable. I appreciate the advice though. And the 2 wires from the pto switch go to a relay not the solenoid

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Don't give up just yet, there's a wiring diagram for your tractor towards the end of the operator's manual here:

I don't have any business speaking about safety here, since my seat switch is currently bypassed, and has been for quite some time. But I was actually able to get off my tractor once, while it was moving, with the engine running and the mower deck engaged, and it was truly frightening to think about it later. It's on my list of things to fix, in the meantime I try to not do stupid stuff like that any more, and I won't let my kids use the tractor until I replace the switch.

Bottom line, just my 2 cents, as long as you're going to the trouble of redoing all the wiring, you may as well do it right and include all the safety switches.

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i guess you guys are right its better to be safe than sorry. i'll get it figured out eventually i'm not as familiar with these machines as some of you are but i'll get there.

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hey tuna head i dont know where you got that manual but so far it matches my tractor right on. the thing is that's not the manual that came with the tractor when we bought it. the manual they gave me includes the 310-8 but the wiring diagram is nowhere close and there have always been other little differences as well. maybe i dont need to hack up the wiring now

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That manual came from the Files tab here on RedSquare, thanks to dobeleo for uploading it originally. :handgestures-thumbup:

Does your manual have a part number or some other identifying number in the lower right corner of the cover page? Do the specs refer to a Kohler Magnum M10S engine?

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The manual just says b,c,and d series. The manual doesn't say much about the motor, and the whole thing is pretty vague it doesn't help that much

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Yep, the manual you have is part of your problem.

If the 21-10K803 model number you gave in your first post is correct, you have a 1986 model 310-8. The B/C/D tractors came earlier, roughly late 1970's through 1984. The C-101 and C-105 kind of roughly evolved into your 310-8, but they are definitely different tractors in many ways.

The link I gave earlier should work much better for you.

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