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16 hp briggs headaches c161

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15hp twin briggs c161 starts and runs great choke off throttle up and down no problems

soon as i start driving it starts to act like it starving for gas have to choke it 3/4 or more to drive around put in neutral slowly take choke off and runs with no problems again until i drive away

remove fuel cap still does it

fuel lines are open new filter

fuel pump not pumping enough to run with load on it or is there more of a common problem???

any help is much appreciated

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Have you already cleaned the carburetor? If not, I would do that first. It could be the fuel pump, but I would definitely clean the carb first. :twocents-02cents:

Matt :flags-texas:

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yes cleaned the carb i've noticed the fuel filter is never full gas is always just seeping in. im thinking the fuel pump in default gunna check impulse line tomorrow thanks for the input

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Id rebuild the fuel pump

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Scrap the Briggs buy a Kohler :ychain:

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I've got the vertical shaft version of the 16 hp flat twin in a 200 series tractor.

The only issue with it that I've had is much the same as you.

Fitted a fuel pump kit and it now runs fine.

I picked up the OEM kit off fleabay and it wasn't expensive.

It's not a job to do at the end of the day as its a bit fiddly - recommend putting a sheet under the work area as the tiny coil springs take ages to find if they ping out during reassembly as I know from experience. Found it in the end though otherwise I'd have had to use one of the old springs again.


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