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Jake Kuhn

another new horse for me

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Jake Kuhn

Hey everyone, Got another horse today. One of my dad's friends ended up dropping a c120 off at our farm when I was at a baseball game last night. It is a c120 8 speed if someone could tell me the year from the picture of the serial tag that would be great. It runs great just needs a few things fixed on it and it would be a great. Motor runs perfect on it. Came with a deck and a blower. Blower looks perfect but deck needs some work. Here are some pictures. Jake







the blower


serial tag


deck needs work


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wheelhorse 1045

nice i have the hydro with hydro lift C120 and they are strong tractors

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nice no one drops off stuff like that at my house!!!!! the toro web site states it is a 1977 c120 8 speed with a 12 hp kohler. if you need the room you can drop it off here.

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Jake Kuhn

Thanks for the info and compliments. I think I will keep it here :) Jake

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Hey Jake, it was Karl's birthday yesterday...not yours. :confusion-confused: Nice horse mate. :) :)

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Nice Horse Jake. Enjoy it.

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Nice horse Jake, might want to go buy a lottery ticket today.

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That's a really nice machine, gonna spruce it up Jake?

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I wish someone would "drop off another WH" to me! I love the "Hot wheels" MAG deck wheels!! almost like my old Keystones!

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:scared-eek: That's ridiculous, no one ever just drops off a :wh: at my house for me! That just aint right. :ychain: I'm a sucker for the long hoods Jake, so is this one going to get the full meal deal, like the others did? :thumbs:

Matt :flags-texas:

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Jake Kuhn

Thanks for all the nice compliments. Got the oil changed in it today and got the filter out so I can get a new one on monday. This is one really nice tractor. My only question is when I put it into gear I have to pull the clutch out to make it drive,is this just how the 8 speeds were or do I have something wrong with mine? :scratchead: Jake

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Sounds like you have a bad return spring.

Matt :flags-texas:

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Jake Kuhn

Matt, I think this one is going to be a worker. I think I will get a good deck for it and give it a shot at mowing and it can replace the 401 for snow duty. Always wanted a tractor with a blower and this one will be a nice fit just need some chains and weights. Jake

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Niceeeeeeeeeee Score Jake.....

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Very nice Jake :woohoo: Looks like the horse found a good home :text-bravo:

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Looks like a nice machine! Better yet when they drop them off for ya! Keith :popcorn:

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jay in nc

nice score! do a nice cut out and patch on the deck & use it Jay

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Those make great workers!

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Jake Kuhn

Thanks everyone. Jake

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Nice lookin tractor... I like the stance of that model...

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That looks like a really good solid tractor Jake. You must be living right to have someone drop off a Wheel Horse like that one for you:)

Oh yea, I'm with Matt. You probably have a bad return spring.

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gomer gump

i had 3 mower decks with holes also instead of doing alot of welding i just cut out the bad areas an wire meshed it along with fiberglass . after it hardened up it was hard as stone painted it looked like new . put extra coat of fiberglas an resin/ hardner it may sound silly but it works very well and easy to do no welding .

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