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Okay friends husband and I brought home another mutilated mutation that I felt sorry for and wanted to fix…. Questions will it run?? Lol… what model for sure? So I believe it’s an 854 and would like feed back to confirm.. lots of stuff coming off… has the k181s tag on the engine! Two piece gas tank! So if my friends on here would agree or disagree I would be able to see how much I have been learning over the years!
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1962 Wheel Horse sales mini brochure. Original is only 1/4 size of regular paper sheet.
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I have a 1963 633 with the steal Square pan seat. It is cracked and looking to replace it. I can find loads of the standard round replacement seats but not a square one. Does anybody know where I can find one?
By Hukah
I just put a 'Stens' universal ignition module on my SB-421.
Its finally showing a spark, but it's faint.
Ohmed out the mag and found it's shot (42,000 ohms).
I guessing the points/coil and mag went at once?
Since it appears the universal is working, i'm looking for a magneto for this model, if anybody has/knows of one.
Since I bought two universals, I'm looking to attempt to see if one will work on my 552/H55 engine.
Has anyone done this on the diode system yet?
(I posted this on "engines" board also)