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Video...in search of snow

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Got out the B-100 for a trip around the block...the horse and I just can't believe the amount of snow we had this winter....had to show her. click on the video. :) :) :) :)


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she should have suspected when you took her out half naked [ no chains no weights, she should've known it was a hoax]

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Anyone else having problems with the video not buffering up?

Looks like a fun vid Steve, I will try again later.

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great video, steve!!!!

i think the snow is all gone for this year though....... :thumbs:

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Crazy how the power company made those Dr Seuss trees on the first side street. :scratchead:

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Crazy how the power company made those Dr Seuss trees on the first side street. :scratchead:

As supposed to a certain homeowner on the street trying to make his own Dr Suess trees on a rickety ladder! :naughty: Love the whine of a K-series Kohler!

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Anglo Traction

Thanks for Neighbourhood Tour Steve,, that Horse of yours sings like a Bird...... Noticed you ignored 2 Stop Signs :auto-swerve: on your route.....good job the :law-policered: were not around.

Unfortunately we are not allowed to that over here.... Your 'Land of the Free' is a lot Free-er than ours. Great Vid Thanks.

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I was watching the video and the wife says "start over so I can watch too". We both laughed at your comments.

Maybe we all will get to use the Horses & plows next year.

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Looks like you need to trade the plow for a mower deck.


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For some reason I am getting flashbacks to the movie old school where Will Farrell was running down the street naked after he became Frank the tank..... :ychain:

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Great video!! Getting that horse out to get some seat time!!

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Unfortunately we are not allowed to that over here....

Are we not????? :scratchead::eusa-whistle::D

Great vid Steve :thumbs:

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yeah, great vid !

I'm road legal - but even with chains I'd be interested to see if I could get up our old high street in the snow :ychain:

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Thanks for the comments guys...I really enjoy taking the horses around the block...to heck with those stop signs. :) :) :)

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Terry M

Thanks for the spin around the block steve. gotta get one of those plows for my :wh: tractor someday :)

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I enjoyed the search for snow! Two thoughts came to mind: Is there an interstate for sidewalks? Cause it looked like you could just go anywhere from there! Also ,are you Captain of the neighborhood watch? If so, don't take the night-shift as they might here you coming! :ychain: Thanks for taking me along,great video!

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IIRC, the last video was at night, and you were plowing the sidewalks in near white out conditions.

Could barely see the sidewalk, only the headlights of on coming traffic.

Was nice to see Mr. Steve's neighborhood in the light of day this time.


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Another Good video Steve, always enjoy your comments. :thumbs:

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:text-yeahthat: :text-+1:

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Nice Vid Dino.. And thanks for the ride:)

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"Oh! who are the people in your neighborhood? in your neighborhood? in your neighborhood? Oh! who are the people in your neighborhood?, their the people who you meet each day!" and drive around with a snowblade on, up and down the sidewalk! :auto-driving:

My wife saw this and told me all you WH guys are mental where else can we get a compliment like that! :rolleyes:

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Don, I have been diagnosed as mental for a long time. :ROTF: Got to live every day like it is the last one. :) Glad she liked the video.

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Horse'n Around

Thanks for posting this Steve. It reminds me of the video that you made a few years back of you plowing those very sidewalks for folks like me that like in places where there is no snow... or grass or trees that have real leaves and no thorns. All in all it looks like as far as snow goes, you had the same kind of winter as us in AZ had... I mean have all the time . In fact I was able to ride my street bike just about all winter from noon on without a coat :auto-sportbike: Even for Az thats weird. At least I got to enjoy snow last winter when we lived in PA :party:


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