bountyhunter 2 #1 Posted May 4, 2012 I just bought a Wheel Horse tractor from a friend of mine and he had bought it from a friend of his. The problem is the other guy painted it (Green/Yellow) like a dummy and I can't find any plates/decals on it. I thought about trying to find numbers on the transmission, where would they be and would that help? I need part of the steering gear, because it slips/jumps real bad at times. I would appreciate any help anybody could give me. I don't have pics yet, but will try to get some this weekend and try to post them. I feel pretty sure that it's around a 300-400 Series. Thanks, Sam Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
can whlvr 993 #2 Posted May 4, 2012 with out any other info we couldnt possibly id your tractor,as you said pics are worth a 1000 words,if its a 300-400 the steering may just need the lock collar adjusted where it goes through the hood stand, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kelly 1,030 #3 Posted May 4, 2012 Pictures are going to be your best bet for a ID, but what engine does it have, what trans, hydro or stick, if a hydro manual or hyd lift, ?? we can start the narrowing down process with that info, if your sure it's the 300/400 style hood Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bountyhunter 2 #4 Posted May 4, 2012 The funny thing is I have been in the small engine repair business for approx. 21 years and I know where to look for #'s. According to the engine shroud the engine is a 1981 Briggs & Stratton, but I'm sure that it is not the right one,because when I look it up at my warehouse website it says it's a vertical shaft engine but it's a horizontal engine. At shop now will get some pics. Thanks, Sam Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wallfish 17,231 #5 Posted May 4, 2012 It's a 312-8 with a hood from a 416. The front rims and seat are from a 77 C series. It also has the wrong tower but I don't know what it's from. Of coarse, This is just a guess from the information provided. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sparky-(Admin) 21,778 #6 Posted May 4, 2012 Right off the top of my head the only 1981 WH with an 11hp horizontal Briggs was the GT-2500 Anniversary Edition. Mike.............. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bowtiebutler956 650 #7 Posted May 4, 2012 It's a 312-8 with a hood from a 416. The front rims and seat are from a 77 C series. It also has the wrong tower but I don't know what it's from. Of coarse, This is just a guess from the information provided. :ROTF: Matt :flags-texas: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bountyhunter 2 #8 Posted May 4, 2012 It's a 312-8 with a hood from a 416. The front rims and seat are from a 77 C series. It also has the wrong tower but I don't know what it's from. Of coarse, This is just a guess from the information provided. You just might be right and that scares me. LOL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bountyhunter 2 #9 Posted May 4, 2012 Just posted some pics in the gallery. Couldn't figure out how to put them on here. Any suggestions? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wallfish 17,231 #10 Posted May 5, 2012 Look down in the lower right hand corner next to the post button and you will see a box "More Reply Options" That will open a box that you can use to attach the pic files I was just messin' around with my last post, hope I didn't insult you. I just couldn't help yanking your chain Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kelly 1,030 #11 Posted May 5, 2012 Well it looks like it may have started life as a GT1100 Work horse, going by the gray hood, and the briggs engine, but it sure has had a few changes over the years, missing parts and added parts but does have some very nice rear tires. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bountyhunter 2 #12 Posted May 5, 2012 Look down in the lower right hand corner next to the post button and you will see a box "More Reply Options" That will open a box that you can use to attach the pic files I was just messin' around with my last post, hope I didn't insult you. I just could help yanking your chain No you didn't insult me. because you might have been right. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bountyhunter 2 #13 Posted May 5, 2012 I know it needs a lot of work, but it came with a snow blade, a back blade and a plow, just no mower deck. The worst thing the previous owner did was to paint it JD Green/Yellow and either took off the model # plates and decals, because I can't find any anywhere. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wallfish 17,231 #15 Posted May 5, 2012 You got it! Certainly looks like the JD lover had his way with it and molested that one 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bowtiebutler956 650 #16 Posted May 5, 2012 Wow, I just saw your pics in the gallery! Somebody did that wrong! Sacrilege!! You need to get some red paint fast. Matt :flags-texas: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bountyhunter 2 #17 Posted May 5, 2012 Wow, I just saw your pics in the gallery! Somebody did that wrong! Sacrilege!! You need to get some red paint fast. Matt Yea, I already have some Sandpaper a Sandblaster/Primer and Red and Black paint and just got some new Wheel Horse Decals and Horse heads decals. Now, just got to find the time to start on it. You can see a picture of my '68 Wheel Horse Raider 12 in my Avatar photo. I've had it for 3 years and still haven't completed it yet. You got it! Certainly looks like the JD lover had his way with it and molested that one Molested isn't the word for it disgrace is more like it and a few other choice words LOL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Foozerush 40 #18 Posted May 5, 2012 Never seen one with a sears 3 pt hitch on back, does it work, solid, able to lift attachments? And I'm not sure that's a WH plow on front, thought they attached to rear axel brackets and not on the front attach o matic, but I suspect a work horse from the grey on the inside of the hood, I'm sure Kelly seen that also, but hey,he is an expert, compared to me bein a newbie.... Looks like it has a lot of potential!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bountyhunter 2 #19 Posted May 5, 2012 Well it looks like it may have started life as a GT1100 Work horse, going by the gray hood, and the briggs engine, but it sure has had a few changes over the years, missing parts and added parts but does have some very nice rear tires. Yea it does have nice rear wheels, but the chains have to GO!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bountyhunter 2 #20 Posted May 5, 2012 Never seen one with a sears 3 pt hitch on back, does it work, solid, able to lift attachments? And I'm not sure that's a WH plow on front, thought they attached to rear axel brackets and not on the front attach o matic, but I suspect a work horse from the grey on the inside of the hood, I'm sure Kelly seen that also, but hey,he is an expert, compared to me bein a newbie.... Looks like it has a lot of potential!!! The 3 pt hitch does work, the snow blade works and I agree doesn't look like the one I use to have for a WH which connected to the rear axle, but it works. It has a back blade that connects to the 3 pt hitch as well as a regular plow. Thanks for all the information, going to see if I can find a pic of a GT1100. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bountyhunter 2 #21 Posted May 5, 2012 It pulls and runs great. The only thing I have found is that the High/Low Shifter want to grind and pop out when in High unless you hold it there then it works fine. Got some fresh 85-140 / GL-5 lube for the trans and going to drain it and put fresh fluid in it after I flush it out. Again Thanks everybody. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
can whlvr 993 #22 Posted May 5, 2012 sounds like a bent shifter fork,this happens when people force the shifter over the years,the fork is still avaiable from toro,i think when i last looked anyway Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sparky-(Admin) 21,778 #23 Posted May 5, 2012 Dont rush out and hit it with red and black paint till you see what color they originally were. I have a GT-1600 which is essentially the same as yours and I really like the color scheme. Mike................ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bountyhunter 2 #24 Posted May 5, 2012 Dont rush out and hit it with red and black paint till you see what color they originally were. I have a GT-1600 which is essentially the same as yours and I really like the color scheme. Mike................ I already have the paint but can change it since I haven't done any painting yet. Do you have any pics of yours? I have looked at a few pics of GT1100 models and they only have one throttle control on the right and nothing on the left side of the steering wheel. Mine has the throttle control on the right and a slotted place for a choke control on the left, haven't found one like that yet. I could live with the Pewter color if that is what it is suppose to have. Thanks, Sam sounds like a bent shifter fork,this happens when people force the shifter over the years,the fork is still avaiable from toro,i think when i last looked anyway Thanks, I appreciate that, but I still need to find out for sure which model I have and what trans., I know it's an 8 speed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sparky-(Admin) 21,778 #25 Posted May 5, 2012 I have pics on my desktop but I'm out of the state and on my laptop so I'll get some posted Sunday evening when I get back home. The single throttle cable is correct for the GT-1100. When the handle is lifted all the way up it sets the choke to closed on the Briggs. Once its running you back it down just a smidge and your off and mowing. Mike............... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites