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fitting a deck on a D

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What is needed to put a C series deck on a D? I'm thinking just the deck hangers off the D deck, if so can you just use the upright parts off the D deck and still use the C upper part? are the pulleys the same? and with all that being said anyone have the hardware needed to do the swap? and a mule drive for a D?

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From what I've been told you need the entire carriage from the D. After that, any C deck will fit . I would be able to tell you for sure in about a week. Hope it all works out the way I planned it....

Theres a Mule Drive on evilbay for $29 I think. Iwas going to get it last week but I found 1 at the old dealer in Ringtown

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What is needed to put a C series deck on a D? I'm thinking just the deck hangers off the D deck, if so can you just use the upright parts off the D deck and still use the C upper part? are the pulleys the same? and with all that being said anyone have the hardware needed to do the swap? and a mule drive for a D?

I believe jdog_kustoms might have what you are looking for.

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i have a local guy looking for a D deck, I don't have any, so I thought I would try to help him out, he does have a 48" deck off a 417, I'll message Jdog

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The carriages are basically the same .... the differences are the front hanger for the belt tension and the higher stops. That's it. I change my 48 back and forth.

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Anyone have pics of the hanger for a D? so I know what I'm looking for.

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Here's what you need


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you also need the belt tensioner that mounts under the left footrest

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you also need the belt tensioner that mounts under the left footrest

Anyone have a pic of this item also??? I know very little about D's

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I am guessing this is the what you are looking for. Sorry they are not the greatest photos.




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Sorry...i took it that the d series already had that tensioner on the tractor. Mine does....other than that is is an easy swap from c series to d series....

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I have an extra tensioner off that 18 i got from you kelly if you need it. I sent my extra mule drive to wheeledhorseman in the UK

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Thanks Lonnie, I'll let you know soon.

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Following this thread and studying the photos with interest as having got a mule (thanks for that Lonny) I now have to get the tensioner and convert a deck.

I think the tensioner came with the deck rather than tractor as they only appear on 'Ds' here that were originally supplied complete with one.

Could end up having to fab the tensioner and the hanger - any chance of the dimensions from someone? It's hard to guess from photos alone.


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I can get you some dimensions of the front hanger and the tensioner. I also know where one of them is. A friend of mine has one. I don't know how much it may be though. I'll work on it tomorrow.

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Any help is always appreciated :)

Tap53 sent me the parts list and instructions for a 48" mower a few weeks back and it's clear from reading this again that you had to assemble and fit the adjuster i.e. it came with the deck.

The photos so far have been useful in identifying the key parts I'll need to use a standard deck but the bit I can't work out is how the tensioner assembly interacts with the deck hanger.


I may have worked this out wrong but I can see how the hanger that Trouty56 photographed makes the deck assembly move from front to rear and that this tensioning motion is applied via the stub axle and sleeve (33) on the hanger presumably but how does the tensioner assembly achieve this? It could just be me but having never seen these bits for real it isn't immediately obvious from the schematic.


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Think I may have just puzzled it out a bit - the notch in the adjuster sits over the shorter (inside) part of the stub on the hanger but if I'm correct then whats the longer part with the sleeve referred to as a 'bearing' for? - or does the notch in the adjuster hook over the longer stub? (to me the geometry looks wrong for that though).

Come on guys, don't keep me in suspense. :confusion-confused:


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Ok Andy....see if this explains it....

These attach to the C series deck or one with the same deck assembly. You need to extend the bumpers (because the D foot boards are higher) and attach the front hanger to the deck....


Measurement at the tensioner end....


Picture of the tensioner mechanism....


With the hanger attached......


Side view of hanger in tensioner....by moving the top towards the front of the tractor the deck moves back!!


I hope this helps you out.....

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The only thing I am not showing is how the knob end of the tensioner is secured to the tractor. I tried to get a picture but it came out too dark.

Well I looked and it is attached to the floor board support. Maybe there is a pre-drilled hole for it. The knob is the only thing on the rear side of the support. Then every thing else follows suit.


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Thanks Bob, that's perfect. I've worked out the other end as there's an excellent set of diags of that in the assembly instructions for the 'D' mower deck.

Out of interest, what is the purpose of the black bit sticking out towards the camera?


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That is a handle. It has a rubber end on it like the handle on the C series PTO or the hydro motion lever. It is helpful attaching the deck.

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Stage 1 (the tensioner) is almost complete but I'm leaving cutting the slot that engages with the modified hanger till I fab that part and check everything lines up.


I've used flat bar from a WH deck I scrapped but there's no way of avoiding a hole to get the length needed so a bit of bar that once passed through the hole was used to fill it.


The adjuster is from a C-series mule and seems to be the same length and also fits the hole in the footrest support bracket.

Full details of this fab in my 'D' resto thread in the Euro section.

Thanks for the photos Tom, as you can see they've been a great help.

Modifying a standard deck hanger comes next.

BTW - Tom or Lonny, I need the length of those bigger bump stop brackets. They're the same width as standard but how long are they?


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andy they are 5" tall and the stock rubber bumpers bolt at the top

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Thanks Lonny

Another question / measurement needed.

The bar that engages into the adjuster and has the black sleeve cover on it - what diameter is the bar? It's difficult to judge from the ruler shown in the photo?

Also, for authenticity's sake, how far does the bar stick out on the side that has the sleeve cover on it?


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The rod is 1/2 inch in diameter and 3 inches long. It is 3/4 inch long on the inside.

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