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If it isnt red,leave it in the shed!

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I see you don't have a 1973 14 Auto in the main gallery page,maybe this would make it in?



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That's what I'm talkin bout!! :woohoo::text-datsphatyo: That would be a good one for the gallery! :thumbs:

Matt :flags-texas:

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HAHA Thanks Matt!The Silverado is WH red too!The 14 has a nearly perfect dash to boot!


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can whlvr

nice,and lots of power too,that was a big engine in the day :thumbs2:

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:text-datsphatyo: :text-coolphotos:

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Plenty of power!This thing seems to have Superhorse-power!

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The K301 in my Horse never seems to work hard even in tall grass, so I imagine that K321 is a real Stomper! :woohoo: Its a very sweet looking Horse as well. :wicked:

Matt :flags-texas:

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Nice tractor Thats an awsome set of photos for the gallery!

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That red tractor would look much better in Wheel-N-It's garage :banana-rock:

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I posted a little while ago about not being able to choose between a 14 auto or a gt14.I was so glad to get that 73 no-name home and clean it up,but I had enough left to drag home TWO GT14s!!!!!!!!!!!I brought home one tonight with a 16 Hp Kohler that purrs!I don't have to choose any longer!Model number is rented 1-744???


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What a BEAST! :scared-eek: Those rear tires really make it look like it means business. :wicked:

Matt :flags-texas:

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Brand new skidsteer tires!It ought to be ready for grunt work!Now just need implements!I got one.to pretty up too!

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