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520 h

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What years was this tractor made? Going to look at one this week anything I should look out for? Thanks

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1988 to 1997.

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Low hours and clean with regular oil changes. The newer the better for the easier steering and heavier duty front axles.

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From the pics it looks like it doesnt yet have the Toro on the side badging.

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No Toro means early models, regular front axle... Hydro lever between the legs... Personally I would hold out for a newer one, once you have the forward swept axle with the gear reduction steering it is hard to go backwards but I am lucky I guess by having 2. I can't imagine having another, of course mine are workers.

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The swept axle started in 1990. The gear reduction steering in 1991. I had a 90 and later sold it. I switched out a front axle and reduction steering, it's really nice to steer. :)

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If the price is right. and it's good machine buy it, later if you find a newer one with the dash controls and gear reduction steering, you could sell the other one, if it ends up being the old style, or you may find a deal later on a nwer one that needs a engine.

Things to look for are the common stuff bad leaks, engine not running right (big thing with onans) trans works smooth, hyd lift works good, over all shape if it's beat up it probably didn't have good care.

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I guess it is like everything. Once you've had a good running P220 Onan it is hard to go to anything else...I have had a K341, lot of grunt but noisy... same with the KT17 in my 417-8... The Kohler 19 vertical shaft had a great sound when it was working but I didn't like the steering on the 269H. Pair that up with easy steering and a comfortable ride due to the weight, add a spinner knob and a hydro foot control and it is hard to go to anything else... I am not a collector just enjoy the folks here and found the Wheel Horse the tractor for me. I am not knocking any of the other models that are older. I just am stating my likes and preferences with the dozen or so WH that I have had until now. I really like the 523DXI from what I have seen but the beauty of the WH brand up until the 315-8 went away all the attachments were for the most part interchangeable back from the early 70's but I am sure you already know that

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after using my new to me 1988 520-H, I really enjoy the motion control lever between the legs. right there and just kinda rest my hand on the lever and go. not sure how the dash lever would be like but it seems like if you do get a 520 with adash mounted lever then adding the foot control might be a great option.

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In my humble(but somewhat jaded) opinion. If it runs, and the price is right???? Get it. The ugly ones need a ride home from the dance too :greetings-clappingyellow: . I've bought alot of diamonds in the rough of different brands. And, horses home :eusa-think: . A Dupont overhaul can fix alot. The only thing "I" think you really have to look out for is scoundrels like ME looking for "also rans" :banana-tux: . And, taking these less than desireable and unfortunate creatures home and working the snot out of them :teasing-whipyellow: . Then if an engine or tranny goes? Fix it. Or, replace the less than functional parts with bigger ,stronger, faster parts, That you probably have laying around just waiting to be used and abused. Because, after all that is what we do :flags-usa: . Because that is just...... What? Yes Dear :confusion-helpsos: . Ok, just look at it. :teasing-poke: Pat

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