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Got some new rubber

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Terry M

kelly, how do these compare with the deestones? other than size, hows the rubber and molding qualities of the tire? i realize that you get what you pay for and i know that these are a much more expensive tire, just wondering how they compare to a cheap tire like the deestone. they do look like a real nice tire.

Deestones are cheap? Thats not good :scratchead: Thats what I bought.

Not a problem Martin, I kinda laughed when I read it. But to be truthful, I really don't know much about those tire brands. So until I here about things like what kelly was talking about, I just go by looks and price. When I went to the goodyear store the guy had a heck-of-a time finding me something to fit.and when he did he charged me only $30 a piece for those front Deestones. The other local tire places really said they couldn't help me. But you are mostly right with what you say about tires, you get what you pay for.

terry, i have the deestones on my 1054, i really like them. i guess i should have worded that differently, dont take my 'cheap' as crap or inferior. the deestones are very nice tires for not so much money...... :thumbs:

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