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i just got 7 peeps and was wondering if anyone had any nice plans for a chicken coop that they really like. I have been looking at a lot of them but still havent desided witch i like the best.

And was also wondering if anyone else has chickens and if they raise them for meet or just eggs

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we have Ducks , up until thurday we had 8 and now we are down to 7 due to the fact that someone let their dog of its leish and the dog came in and killed one duck, which was named Jacko due to the fact that he moon walked like Micheal jackson, The dog also injured 3 other ducks.

we have them just as pets and for eggs.

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We have a vintage coop; a large shed which is mounted on a cast iron spoked wheels so that it can be moved around. I quite like the old style but there do seem to be some great modern designs about.

We're planning on getting some occupants for it later this year. They'll provide eggs for a while and then we'll eat them.

Good luck with choosing a design, hope you post some photos of the coop once you've finished it!

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farmers wife

Hello this is my first attempt at posting a reply hope it will be ok as I don't do computers either! Farmer and I have 6 laying birds which I wouldn't recommend to eat as they are on the lean side putting all their energy into laying ( however my mum used to make a mean pie with them when they had run out of steam producing ! )

we also keep table birds these would be a cobb variety 0-4 weeks they eat starter crumbs, 4-8 weeks grower pellets and 8-finishing ( roughly 12-14 weeks ) I like them to go onto layers pellets, I like to slow them down the last few weeks as I hate to see them go down on their legs by being overweight .we like our animals to have a good quality of life they

go out to grass at 6 weeks old ( when they have come off heat ) the happier their lives the better they taste!

Forgot to mention we have a finishing weight of about 10-12 lb ,feeds our family of 5 ,if my dad comes around I may have to bung some sausages in ! :happy-partydance:

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Edited by Tap53

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Mainedad, Are you losing any babies? I ordered 50 broilers. I've had them 2 weeks under heat. All were doing very well. I have them on starter w/light medication for 4 weeks (same as last year). Last year I lost a total of 3 for the run out. So far, in the last week I've lost 8. All close to 12 oz. I wonder if it has to do with our weather change. It was 70 degrees when I got them and 50 at night. Now we have 50 for a high and 28 to 30 at night. The temp in the garage (thats where the nursery is) drops dowm to forty-ish and I wonder if they are getting chilled when I feed and water. It seems warm in the hutch and they aren't trembling. All seem alert and flighty. But by night 1 or 2 gone. Ideas?

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I lost only one, but I kept them in the basement with a more consistent temperature until they were just a few weeks away from going into the coop then they went into the garage. I would guess you do have a temperature problem.

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