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Strange side effects!!

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I have started seeing a new dystonia specialist and he asked me if I wanted to give some "anti shake" patches a whirl, they are having good results with Parkinson suffers,, so I thought why not..

Reading the "possible side effects" was quite an eye opener in a totally unexpected way!!

There is the normal "you may have trouble sleeping" followed by "you may fall asleep without notice" kinda thing, you know, they like to cover their 'orse!

And then I spotted this little gem!!!



It has to be said that it is the funniest thing I have ever read on a "possible side effect" list, particularly as I'm not a gambling kinda guy.. I might buy a couple of lottery tickets a year if I remember, but that's it!!

Has anyone else come across and strange or weird side effects???

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Golly I have enough of those repetitive meaningless actions the way I am now

without any more. But they tell me it has a lot to do with a RED addiction I have

as well as my (A) (G) (E)


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Stigian...that is a riot. I think some one was smoking something to come up with a statement like that. But you gotta think that it is stated for a reason...good luck and let us know. Repetitive meaningless actions...I do that all the time. :angry-banghead:

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Me to especially when I'm welding.

By the way Hoppy Birfday amaro ! ! !

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Stigian I have a rough idea what you are up against I had a great Uncle

that had parkinsons and he could not eat for himself, Aunt Lavina had to feed him

but he loved to hunt and every Thanksgiving when all of us fellows would go out

Uncle Charley would always be with us because he was the best shot ! !

Solid as a rock with a gun in his hand.

Jim in Texas

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Solid as a rock with a gun in his hand.

Kinda like Ian with a welder in his hand. :ychain:

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How about these Ian?

Side effects may include:

Inability to breathe

Intermittent ignorance

Temporary tooth loss

Excessive belly button lint

Unwanted Pregnancy

Reverse Peristalsis

Intermittent ignorance

Ramndo Dylseixa

In rare cases:

Inner-ear euphoria

Olfactory hallucinations

Rectal-cranial inversion

Idiopathic Colitis

Complete collapse of civilization


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Rectal-cranial inversion....

I Know Some Guys That Have This Side Effect, and They Don't Even Know It, But I Know They have It......It's More Common Than Someone Would Think.

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Rectal-cranial inversion....

I Know Some Guys That Have This Side Effect, and They Don't Even Know It, But I Know They have It..."When They Open There Mouth"...It's More Common Than Someone Would Think.

:hilarious::ROTF::laughing-lettersrofl: I know of few of these!!!

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They even have a website ok, now I have to ban myself for a week!
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Rectal-cranial inversion....

I Know Some Guys That Have This Side Effect, and They Don't Even Know It, But I Know They have It......It's More Common Than Someone Would Think.

Actually I think this a plague we have sweeping the nation these days!! :ROTF: :ROTF: :ROTF: :ROTF:

Matt :flags-texas:

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Today I discovered, I'm not only the president of the club, but I'm also a client. :dunno:

Hi...my name is Craig, and I suffer from rectal cranial inversion. :blink: :blink:

Boy o boy...I need an intervention. :confusion-helpsos:

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Today I discovered, I'm not only the president of the club, but I'm also a client. :dunno:

Hi...my name is Craig, and I suffer from rectal cranial inversion. :blink: :blink:

Boy o boy...I need an intervention. :confusion-helpsos:

:ROTF: :ROTF: :ROTF: :ROTF: We are here for ya Craig! :ychain:

Matt :flags-texas:

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Were all nuts, laughed so hard I have to go weewee now, put cant find it, looks like a button on a fur coat...

maybe the beers are getting to me..I better eat...

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My doc put me on a new prescription. The next day i bought a John Deere. Don't know what to make of that.

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Rectal-cranial inversion....

I Know Some Guys That Have This Side Effect, and They Don't Even Know It, But I Know They have It......It's More Common Than Someone Would Think.

Actually I think this a plague we have sweeping the nation these days!! :ROTF: :ROTF: :ROTF: :ROTF:

Matt :flags-texas:

Karl can we get a smiley for this :ROTF: :ROTF:

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:text-yeahthat: :bow-blue:

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You guy's crack me up, I've not laughed so much in ages.. Cheers :laughing-rofl:

Me to especially when I'm welding.

By the way Hoppy Birfday amaro ! ! !

Ta muchly.

Solid as a rock with a gun in his hand.

Kinda like Ian with a welder in his hand. :ychain:

Lol, I wish I was steady welding.. Sometime though I can use my shaking to my advantage when welding.. I do the up and down movement while the shaking takes care of the side to side :D

How about these Ian?

Side effects may include:

Inability to breathe

Intermittent ignorance

Temporary tooth loss

Excessive belly button lint

Unwanted Pregnancy

Reverse Peristalsis

Intermittent ignorance

Ramndo Dylseixa

In rare cases:

Inner-ear euphoria

Olfactory hallucinations

Rectal-cranial inversion

Idiopathic Colitis

Complete collapse of civilization


Blimey Andy, what tablets do you take with a list like that!!! :laughing-rofl:

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