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A buddy gave me a C121 and ya'll have alot of information, so here I am. The story on the tractor is my buddies brother and father each picked up a horse from the factory in Elkhart in the 60's. He got his dad's years ago and used it around his place, then parked it about 6 years ago because it wouldn't run right. I talked him out of it and got it home this weekend. It comes with weights, chains, cab, mower deck and snowblower. I picked up a load of parts from a local fix it guy for $40 and put a set of points it it and now it purrs like a kitten. I would like to date it just for giggles. I'm gonna quicky paint it and put her back to work. :)post-6649-0-19372100-1333584487_thumb.jppost-6649-0-06672100-1333584501_thumb.jp

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Welcome to the forum Roscoe...man you done good with that deal. :thumbs:

When you say, " I would like to date it just for giggles" you are meaning chronologically, correct? :)

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they made that tractor in 78-79 good score will clean up nice with a little labor

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Welcome to the forum Roscoe...man you done good with that deal. :thumbs:

When you say, " I would like to date it just for giggles" you are meaning chronologically, correct? :)

I'd like to figure out the year it was made. My buddy gave it to me to keep it working and knowing I would pass it on to my son when the time comes. He's 8 now and super excided to get the old girl going.
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:WRS: That's the best deal I have seen in awhile! :woohoo: I believe the C-121 is from the late 70s. That is one fine looking machine!!!!! :thumbs:

Matt :flags-texas:

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they made that tractor in 78-79 good score will clean up nice with a little labor

I was curious about the date, some parts of the story don't seem to square. Any idea where to find the data plate? I haven't had it long enough to really get too far into it.

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they made that tractor in 78-79 good score will clean up nice with a little labor

I was curious about the date, some parts of the story don't seem to square. Any idea where to find the data plate? I haven't had it long enough to really get too far into it.

up under the battery tray on the same side as the lift handle should be a tag towards the bottom

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:WRS: That's the best deal I have seen in awhile! :woohoo: I believe the C-121 is from the late 70s. That is one fine looking machine!!!!! :thumbs:

Matt :flags-texas:

I like the muffle on your avatar, where did you get it? Mine is LOUD and will need to be replaced to keep the peace.

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What is the spec number off the engine?

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they made that tractor in 78-79 good score will clean up nice with a little labor

I was curious about the date, some parts of the story don't seem to square. Any idea where to find the data plate? I haven't had it long enough to really get too far into it.

up under the battery tray on the same side as the lift handle should be a tag towards the bottom

Thanks for the info, I'll dig into that tommorrow. Is there anywhere to look up serial numbers to ballpark the mfg date?

What is the spec number off the engine?

Model K301as

Spec 47648d

Ser # 9548440

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What is the spec number off the engine?

Model K301as

Spec # 47648d

Serial # 9548440

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I want to thank you guys for the information and the kind words. The enthusiam and willingness to help a newbie is awesome!

I cranked the horse today and she will only run well at 1/4 throttle, any more she starves for gas. Is there a source for a metal fuel pump or a kit for mine? It has a k301-47648d in it, pump # 47 55911-s. I have a plastic replacement coming for $35, but would like to keep the original.

A couple members have the decals and knobs that I need, I will visit them soon. I also need a seat cover, but have not found a member with one. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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What is the spec number off the engine?

Model K301as

Spec # 47648d

Serial # 9548440

That serial number would indicate 1989

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I also need a seat cover, but have not found a member with one. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Might try your local marine or auto upholstry shop to recover the one you've got, an aftermarket replacement is another option, or upgrade to a better condition, used original. Maybe place a wanted ad in the forum classifieds when you're ready. NOS seats for these machines are pretty hard to come by, but they're out there. :beer:

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The Toolman

The tag should be right below the dash on that plate where the gauge is. It might have got painted over an hard to see. It is right towards the top of that plate.

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That is one fine looking horse! great score and should serve you very well!! It has a strong 8 speed with 8 pinions and a Very good engine! Your boy should be able to use this for many years to come!

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The Toolman

Make sure the rear wheel hubs are tight before you use it. I took mine off an drilled an threaded another hole 90 deg away from the original for that extra holding power when kids try to pop wheelies with'em....haha

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Good idea on the hubs Toolman. I was a kid once, and yes they do try to pop wheelies on them. And yes they do wheelies, well kinda!! :angry-nono:

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Paul D.

The C-121 was only made in 78 & 79. I have a C-141 and they are great tractors

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What is the spec number off the engine?

Model K301as

Spec # 47648d

Serial # 9548440

That serial number would indicate 1989

I'm not doubting your knowledge, but I've known this tractor since 1993 and it has not been repowered. I'll get to the data plate tommorrow and put the info up here. It is what it is, and i will keep it, I mean my son will keep it till the cows come home! He has given every kid in the neighborhood a class on how to run a horse! Thanks for your input, I appreciate it. My bud's a story teller from way back and I just want to know what I have.

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I also need a seat cover, but have not found a member with one. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Might try your local marine or auto upholstry shop to recover the one you've got, an aftermarket replacement is another option, or upgrade to a better condition, used original. Maybe place a wanted ad in the forum classifieds when you're ready. NOS seats for these machines are pretty hard to come by, but they're out there. :beer:

I would really like one with the wh logo on it like the original, I'll keep looking. Classifieds are next on the list.

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The tag should be right below the dash on that plate where the gauge is. It might have got painted over an hard to see. It is right towards the top of that plate.

Thanks, I'll be lookin for it tommorrow. I'd like to know what I have and what else is available for it.

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That is one fine looking horse! great score and should serve you very well!! It has a strong 8 speed with 8 pinions and a Very good engine! Your boy should be able to use this for many years to come!

Thank you. It's primary life is going to be a snow remover, but other fun is sure to crop up! The boy could care less about the crapsman I just sold to finance this real tractor! And yes, he has plans.

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Make sure the rear wheel hubs are tight before you use it. I took mine off an drilled an threaded another hole 90 deg away from the original for that extra holding power when kids try to pop wheelies with'em....haha

Lol!! They already have been done. My introduction to this tractor was seeing about 8" of sunshine under the front tires when racing a crapsman!

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The C-121 was only made in 78 & 79. I have a C-141 and they are great tractors

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You got that right!! Today's tractors cannot compare to a wh.

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