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NECESSITY IS THE MOTHER..................

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In this case-restoration. My knees and leg have been benching me worse and worse lately- so- I had the guys pull this out of the shed- came from a garage sale in Michigan- belonged to a lady that had a Horse farm. Quite expensive when it was new in 1985. The controller and the potentiomiter are bad I know- but the staus of the motor I don't know. I was presenting it here in hopes of getting some ideas on how I can check the motor out etc. It is made by the Orto-Kinetics company-they have gone out of business-actually bought out/ I talked to a knowledgeable parts guy there-he said they don't have too many parts left. I'm wondering if I can buy a generic contoller, etc-and make them work-if the motor is bad.

This thing could be just the thing for me to be able to go to and get around at some WH shows. Thanks for any ideas-Al







Oh yeah-the 656 just had to get into the pictures too!


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Don't know anything about your Lark but that sure is a great looking 656 :eusa-clap:

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Sorry, I don't know anything about the Lark either, but that is a fine looking Horse! :thumbs:

Matt :flags-texas:

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You can use a 12v battery and jumper cables to test that 24v motor or connect two 12v batteries together to get 24v. Maybe a trigger from a 24v varible speed drill could be used to control the speed??????

You should cruise that tractor at the shows!

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Have you checked with your insurance? You may be able to get a new one at no cost. I tryed to talk my dad into checking with his insurance and he said " why would they pay for it?" well they would have bought him a new one at no cost!

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Have you checked with your insurance? You may be able to get a new one at no cost. I tryed to talk my dad into checking with his insurance and he said " why would they pay for it?" well they would have bought him a new one at no cost!


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Wondering where the stack on the 656 came from Al? :icecream:

You should upload a pict of it to the new "exhaust archive" thread. :teasing-poke:

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Have you checked with your insurance? You may be able to get a new one at no cost. I tryed to talk my dad into checking with his insurance and he said " why would they pay for it?" well they would have bought him a new one at no cost!


I appreciate the suggestion about checking my insurance. I have medicare. I am retired. In 2011 there were several cut backs and screws tightened by our goverment on just what Medicare will or will not pay for. And built in "deductibles" were raised. In short, If you worked all your life-you pay to get Medicare. If you didn't work a day in your life, you get Medicade for free. The latter pays for EVERYTHING for your medical needs. They will even pay for a cab for you to get to your Doctor or hospital. Is it just me-or is there something wrong with this picture? The last 2 major companies I worked for went Bankrupt. No pension, no health insurance. Wonderful way out for companies that want to cut loose from their retired workers. But- I have ranted enough-I will fix this thing so I can use it-My Parents taught me well how to get bye with what I have-Thanks-Al

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Well- good news is that motor runs strong-just can't control speed as of yet-controller & potentiometer are going to be a must- need reverse too-switching polarity gives reverse-but with on "Full" or not-you have to hang on and watch where you are going!- I liked the idea of a 24 volt drill trigger for speed control-but I wonder if it could stand the amperage-Thanks Al

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Have you gone the golf cart parts route yet?? Same setup, just more batteries ... I'm sure, somewhere out there, is a setup for a 24v golf cart ...

Oh and yes the Medicaid Medicare deal is total BS and will probably be bankrupt thanks to people like my Ex who refuse to get a friggin job, would rather bleed the government, and me dry..

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