ree1man 2 #1 Posted March 31, 2012 Hello, Im new to this forum, just aquired my 1st tractor for $300 ,#73448 ( 8900932 ),and a mowing deck # 78361 ( 9900387 ) 48" Swath, that came with it, with 307 hours on both, trying to figure out how many belt's are on it, from what i can see by in the part's drawing's, at the toro website, there are 2, but not sure, 1 is for the tractor,the other is for the deck,does anyone no for sure,cause I want to replace ALL the belt's.I looked on the underside of the tractor, and it looks more like 3 belt's From what I can see, the tractor belt is #93-9808 And the deck belt is # 1594 If anyone has a clue on this, Please advise, Also have an issue with the clutch pedal, it goes down fine, but has to be manually pulled back up, not sure what is going on with that ..... Any help will be grately appriceiated Thanks !!! Also will post some pic's, A.S.A.P. ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WH854 44 #2 Posted March 31, 2012 Hello, Im new to this forum, just aquired my 1st tractor for $300 ,#73448 ( 8900932 ),and a mowing deck # 78361 ( 9900387 ) 48" Swath, that came with it, with 307 hours on both, trying to figure out how many belt's are on it, from what i can see by in the part's drawing's, at the toro website, there are 2, but not sure, 1 is for the tractor,the other is for the deck,does anyone no for sure,cause I want to replace ALL the belt's.I looked on the underside of the tractor, and it looks more like 3 belt's From what I can see, the tractor belt is #93-9808 And the deck belt is # 1594 If anyone has a clue on this, Please advise, Also have an issue with the clutch pedal, it goes down fine, but has to be manually pulled back up, not sure what is going on with that ..... Any help will be grately appriceiated Thanks !!! Also will post some pic's, A.S.A.P. ! P/N 1594 blade drive belt. Icome up with P/N 94-2501 for tractor to deck belt Chas Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tgranthamfd 29 #3 Posted March 31, 2012 :WRS: there should be a return spring for the clutch peddle. Oh yeah, :wwp: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rmaynard 15,820 #4 Posted March 31, 2012 :WRS: Glad to have you aboard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sparky-(Admin) 21,778 #5 Posted March 31, 2012 :WRS: If your changing ALL the belts you have three. The drive belt from the engine to the tranny, the belt from the engine PTO to the deck and the belt that runs between all the deck spindles. Like Terry said, there is a clutch pedal return spring that is easily replaced. Good luck! Mike............. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WH854 44 #6 Posted March 31, 2012 :text-yeahthat: Chas Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ree1man 2 #8 Posted March 31, 2012 Thank's for all the replys, Gonna have to order these belts, the belt from the engine PTO to the deck is # 94-2501 The spindle belt is # 1594 - V belt, cannot find the tranny belt, in the catolog, or the clutch spring, however, i will keep looking, Thanks again for all the reply's, and i will keep you all posted, and post pic's as soon as i can ... Have a Great day !!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WH854 44 #9 Posted March 31, 2012 Thank's for all the replys, Gonna have to order these belts, the belt from the engine PTO to the deck is # 94-2501 The spindle belt is # 1594 - V belt, cannot find the tranny belt, in the catolog, or the clutch spring, however, i will keep looking, Thanks again for all the reply's, and i will keep you all posted, and post pic's as soon as i can ... Have a Great day !!! P/N 93-9808 belt from engine to transmission. From what I can tell the clutch spring is a gas operated affair( P/N 78-3240 ASSY-GAS SPRING Chas Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IthacaJeff 151 #10 Posted March 31, 2012 Welcome aboard! But, let me ask, do you really need to replace those belts? Especially with only 300+ hours? Of the 6 belts on my 2 tractors (1986 & 1989) i've replaced one PTO-mower belt and one drive belt. Pretty stout parts. Jeff Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ree1man 2 #11 Posted March 31, 2012 Well Jeff, I ordered them, cause it is going to take about 1 week or so to get them, this way ill have them, couldn't really go over the tractor that good, nasty mosquito's here, however I did see the pto belt, and it is all cracked, and squeals when it is engaged, but this way ill have them, the gas spring, for the clutch will have to wait, cause it is $70, just use a bungee cord on it for now :) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hydro 131 #12 Posted April 1, 2012 Sounds like you got a pretty descent deal on that tractor :text-welcomewave: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
can whlvr 993 #13 Posted April 1, 2012 :WRS: you could allways use the old style spring and axe the gas shock thing alltogether,i dont like it anyways(my opinion only)it lets the clutch out slowly and didnt feel right to me,for about 6 bucks compared to 70,thats how all the older models of the 300,s did it lots of other models too,if you need a model number too look up the ols stle try 31-14k802 thats a 1987 414,go into clutch area and you will see the clutch spring and no gas shock Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ree1man 2 #14 Posted April 1, 2012 Thank's for that advice, and i took it ! that is part # 108035,and I would assume it goes in the exact same spot, as the gas spring would go, Thank you to all, that have helped me out ! I will keep you Posted, Have A GREAT Night ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
can whlvr 993 #15 Posted April 1, 2012 thats good to hear,im not sure if it goes where the gas shock was,i dont think so,the spring hooks to the rear left side of the axle and goes to the pivot point where the clutch rod goes through the centre of the tractor to the other side,im not sure if this is where the gas one was,i didnt remeber my 2 that i took off but didnt think they were there,but its a real easy swap,not sure if your axle housing will have the small hole for the back end of the spring to hook on,youll have to look and see Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leeave96 488 #17 Posted April 1, 2012 I have a 314-8 and the gas strut went south on it - just like you describe. I think this was Toro's attempt to keep the tractor from jumping when the unknowing let off on the clutch. Or it could have been another stupid Toro idea, like driving the Wheelhorse tractor in the ground - MHO. I replaced my strut with the original style Wheelhorse spring. There is a hole in the web on the transaxle for the spring. Once in place, it is VERY strong. You will need a pair of vice grips to hold the spring while you pull it into place or a mighty grip on a pair of pliers. I've also got a couple of mighty 520H tractors, but my favorite is my 97 year model 314-8. Good luck, Bill Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SAM58 30 #18 Posted April 4, 2012 I have the same 1998 314-8, same thing the gas shock was bad, i also used the spring. you will find 3 belts total, one on the deck that goes around the spndle pulleys. One drive belt, and one mule drive belt from the motor to the deck. go to this webpage, type in your model & serical numbers should be able to download a manual for the tractor & deck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ree1man 2 #19 Posted April 9, 2012 Well, got my pto belt replaced today, for some reason, when i engage the pto, it makes a very short sqealing sound, until the pto lever is completely down, sounds like it is coming from the pto clutch housing, but not sure, the belt is tightened perfectly, not to tight,not to loose, not sure what the deal is ..... The old belt that was on there did that to, but alot worse, thought the squeal was coming form the belt itself ,because it was cracked, and old, Any Idea's ??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ree1man 2 #20 Posted April 10, 2012 Here are a couple Pic's, as promised, the camera is not the best, It's a little dirty right now, but not for long, will post some more soon, $300 for this, came with the 48" RD mow deck, 313 hour's on it, no smoke, start's right up, the only issue is the squeal, as mentioned above, also read in the manual word for word, "DO NOT PRESSURE WASH", the tractor, why does Toro, not want you to do that, besides the fact that you can get water in the wire harnesses, Carb,etc. Has anyone ever hurt there tractor's, pressure washing them ? A good one ... And some more ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ree1man 2 #21 Posted April 10, 2012 another good one ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forest Road 594 #22 Posted April 10, 2012 $300! That's a steal!the deck alone is worth $500! Take care of it and it'll go 20+ years. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ree1man 2 #23 Posted April 10, 2012 Maybe to many Pic's ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ree1man 2 #24 Posted April 10, 2012 $300! That's a steal!the deck alone is worth $500! Take care of it and it'll go 20+ years. You can count on that Forest, gonna run synthetic in it and everything, got it from my brother, who took VERY good care of it, he just is moving, and has no use for it where he is going ... :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
can whlvr 993 #25 Posted April 10, 2012 for 300 bucks youd be a horse thief where i live :ychain: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites