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Hi Guys- You know me I think-normally really laid back (except in the fall, when it gets cool, and I hear crowd noises lol)- But I'm totally ticked about this "Pink Slime" revelation that has been brought to light recently. I think of myself as a careful , informed consumer. Thats why I can't believe I've been feeding myself and my grandkids this ammonia gased by product under the disguise of "Lean thin beef"etc. Not only from the fast food places-but when I buy from Kroger and other stores. I trusted the labels-fat content- as far as how lean the beef was to judge its quality-not knowing that some bunch of idiots in the FDA have decided to not inform me as to what they were approving now to be added to our ground beef.

This stuff used to be deemed unfit for human consumption-in a simpler world-used for pet foods. But now-because some genius figured out a way to treat it with ammonia gas to kill E. Coli and other bugs it contains-it was given the green light to be put in our food.

Bad as this was-I think what was worse-is we were not informed of it. I don't know about you-but I don't like someone experimenting on myself or my family. I need to calm down-

Anybody else upset?-Al

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Hey Al, you know you can't get mad at these major corporations pulling these fast one's on us...they're people too, and they've got rights you know. :teasing-poke:

Besides...which would you rather have...pink slime, or soylent green? :ROTF:


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Yummy. I don't know if I should use a spoon or a straw. Decisions Decisions.


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That's messed up! I had'nt herd anything about it, but when I buy ground beef, thats all I want to buy. :banghead: Give it a little while, I'm sure they will find its cancer causing just like every other stupid thing they have decided to put out there for the consumer. Life is short enough without them shortening it for us. :ROTF:

Matt :flags-texas:

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you know it's bad when the big fast food chains say they wont use it anymore. ya anymore, wonder how much of that crud we have actually eat. make's you think back to all those late night visits to the porcelain throne. I just dont have the stomach for much of this crappy processed food anymore. back when i worked in a service garage i was the guy orderng chili dogs or wet burritos at 6am from the coney next door and felt fine, the wrecker driver would order a sausage & cheese omolete smuthered in chili. i could'nt stomach those...LOL

I like how they come out and say the FDA is allowing the pink slime in our schools. i have young children and that erks me.

look at the big pizza chain's also. the peperroni , ham , and cheese look and taste like plastic. i have one good'ol mom & pop pizza place left around me that still has the good little curled up pepperroni's and real cheese. the wife say's i am getting bitter and picky in my old age. but i grew up on home cooked meals and tierd of this cheap stuff they are serveing us. there is alot of place's i dont eat at anymore. I call it the microwave generation. food is one thing i can get a ranted on, cause i like to eat...LOL

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This is why I only buy my meat from my local meat market! you get to see it before its package and its all processed in the same building and you know its fresh!! When I walk buy the meats at my local Kroger, Meijers , etc. It turns my gut seeing the funny looking meat! I will go with out before buying from a store like that again!

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I need to calm down-

Anybody else upset?-Al

between our family and shopping for my disabled MIL. my wife is in our local kroger probaly 2-3 days a week. has become friendly with most the workers there. i think the butcher has come to fancy her a bit. allways brings her out the nice steak cuts from the back. she must be in there winking a eye or sumthin....LOL.

anyway, the butcher assured her they do not use the pink slime at that kroger.

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This is why I only buy my meat from my local meat market! !

my sister lives in the thumb in MI and brings down meat from the local farmers . good stuff :flags-usa:

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We asked the local supermarket chain if they sell it too. They showed us what they grind without pink slime and what they purchase that most likely has pink slime. We now only buy the ground beef that they personally grind or go to the local meat market. Sad...

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Guys I know this is a big once a year purchase, But find a local farmer that raises feeder calves and pay to have them custom butchered, If the guy is selling beef on the hoof you dont need to buy the whole beef , because their are lots of people that just want a 1/4 or a half at a time and the producer will be looking for someone to take the remainder. Admittingly its a pretty good bill all at once for that much beef, but in the long run when you average out all the cuts, you get to eat ribeyes and T-bones pretty cheap. And the upside is you can pick your beef standing in a pasture. and dictate how you want him cut and packaged. And no he cant be ALL ribeyes.

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And no he cant be ALL ribeyes.

Ahh.... if only they could, the world would be a more magical place!

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That's what we do, we split a half with another couple every year. It's good beef and the price is great.

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There are several video's out on your food industry and exactly WHAT you are really buying and where it's coming from. Believe me, this pink slime is nothing compared to your other well trusted items. From the way these corporations tell farmers what and how to grow, to the raising and packing of your other products. Think that bottled water is better than the water from your tap? Did you know that the bottled water doesn't need to be tested, but if you have municipal water it does several times a day?

THIS is what the so called tree-huggers have been saying for years. I could go on and on about this subject but I would then have to ban myself. I personally do a lot of research about what I eat and my grocery bill is certainly higher because of it. I like hot dogs, which are notoriously made of questionable ingredients, BUT you can do your homework and find products where the ingredients are good. Hint: any company where you are allowed to tour their facility AND can tell you where their meat comes from is usually okay.

Have a little fun, do some research on how they found out about adding ammonia to our products, that'll get ya going.

Ok, now time to put the admin hat on. This thread can stay open as long as there is no attacking or bringing in politics. We don't want anyone getting in trouble here (including me).

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This just affirms the old saying "You cant believe everything you read" and it applies to the internet more than ever! I'm not calling anyone a liar nor am I saying who I think has it right. The whole Pink Slime thing might be a hoax as the internet is full of it. This Bob Lonsberry fellow isnt going to get any notariety or a big paycheck writing about some small towns little league scores so maybe he's hyping up the data to make his article more exciting to read and to draw in the masses.

Whats the truth? We may never know!

I'm not sweating it.


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After seeing the initial articles I followed up also and read the opposing view at http://beefisbeef.com/

If I was looking to save money I'd still eat hamburger with the lean beef trimmings in it. Everyone eats far worse every day. Just take a look at the US Food and Drug Administration "Defect Levels Handbook".


We eat on average of one to two pounds of insects every year. Yummy!! Doesn't that mean there's really no such thing as a Vegetarian then?

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I am not on the for or against bandwagon but I did watch a cooking show of a very famous chef that swore the best meatballs and ground beef was made from the meat they scraped off the carcass as kids. His grandfather worked in Italy as a butcher in a process facility and he was allowed to take home the hyde and they scraped the meat off for the family meals. He was not payed much and this was the only way they were able to get meat on the table. I know that everyone frowns on the scraps left over but if you have it use it. The amonia gas treatment may not be the best way to kill bacteria but its better than getting E.colli in my books.

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I am all for using everything but the mooooo, Its just the additives and preservatives I am not sure about.

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I agree on the additives, I try to use a local butcher if I can but its getting tough wih the price of fuel raising the price on everything else. I do find it strange that the general public will accept Chlorine Gas added to their water supply, but the outcry over Amonia Gas added to their beef is over the top. Most people clean everything in their kitchen with amonia before eating on the surface to kill germs. Its a gas just like chlorine and it evaporates quickly after exposed to air leaving nothing but mushed up beef behind, it does not even have any fat since its ran through a centrifuge after cut from the hide.

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Fat is where its at....Eat Beef!

Corn comes from Iowa! (You cannot argue with a Rooster about corn!)

Where did I leave my grits?

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Better than a....veggie burger.....now that is disgusting.

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Better than a....veggie burger.....now that is disgusting.

AMEN...I could not even get the bad taste out of my mouth for an hour after my first bite of a veggie burger...

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Do you think that if they named it ANYTHING but pink slime there would have this much of a fuss? I wonder what the person who came up with that named their kids................

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Noses , ears , tails , legs , all beef. Years and years ago I used to pull reefers hauling beef products and after what I seen at one place, I asked about one box of questionable beef , the stuff was oozing out the ends. "Where does the go,the trash?" Nope they told me" McDonalds , Burger King , places like that" after that I didn't eat at any of them for a very looong time. Another place up in MI had a side of beef hanging outside, and green with mold! Asked them "dog food material?" their reply " OH NO that is prime meat!" They scrap off the mold and sell it as prime cut, aged.

We buy ours from a neighbor farm.

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