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Has anybody ever heard of this?

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While on my homepage there was an ad for reducing your electric bill so I clicked the link. If this is true everybody should make one of these. Anybody know anything about this? http://www.johnsonmotor.org/?hop=reality83&query=johnson%20electric%20motor

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I have herd of this, but don't know how well it would work? It would be nice to save a little.

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it looks like a scam to me

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If something appears too good to be true, it usually is.

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Well that's pretty much what I thought especially when they say to buy now or the oil & power companies will shut them down. It is a reasonable fact though if you think about what the auto companies did to Tucker. With all those lawyers on their payroll they can block any advancement in technoligy that they don't control.

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Howard Johnson does hold three patents in this area and you can read them on the net. Enter Howard Johnson inventor in you search.

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These types of websites are in the business of selling plans..for useless devices..

once you find out it doesnt work, they suddenly become very difficult to find to get your money back..

they are the 21st Century equivalent of the snake oil salesman..



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Howard Johnson does hold three patents in this area and you can read them on the net. Enter Howard Johnson inventor in you search.

The patents do exist..that does not mean the device works to create free energy, as the scammers claim.

the patents certify the device functions as a magnetic motor..that doesnt mean it will power your home for free..

you can build a magnetic motor..it will spin..it *wont* make free electricty..info on the patents and what they actually say:



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No such thing as free power....

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can whlvr

if it were only that easy

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If you search the 'net you can find discussion boards and many who have failed to build it.

The reason why is because energy cannot be created from thin air. I've got no problem

believing the conspiracy stuff, but not free energy.


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The reason why is because energy cannot be created from thin air.

winner%20ding.gif Yep... the world runs on physics....not witchcraft.

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OK, I'm a sucker! For $30 I'll order it up and see just what it is! I have done some research on this subject and I do believe it is possible! Look into it. All the info is there on the web!

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Remember the phrase "there is a sucker born every minute"? If you search the internet, it is frequently credited to P.T. Barnum, but other sources say differently. My point? Don't believe all you read on the internet.

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Well for the guy who is going to order, if it works out be sure and let everyone here know. I believe it's a scam but with so much BS on the 'net, if one prson tries it then we'll all know one way or the other. It could be the best money you ever invested?

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Honestly, if there was a better way...wouldn't everyone be doing it? :confusion-shrug:

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The owner of the website pays a service to hide their details so you can't easily find them.

After searching for days I think I found the $47 instructions. Actually, I spent about 10 minutes searching just now. I've only looked at it for a couple minutes and it seems like it. Download AT YOUR OWN RISK. I haven't run it through a virus scanner yet.


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Umm I believe there is a little thing called Newtons laws and it says "Energy can neither be created or destroyed only change it's state" and then there is that pesky thing called friction- just sayin

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I bought it about a month ago but haven't had a chance to even read it. I had just sold something I wasn't even trying to sell and thought I'd try making one and bought in. Same theory on the 100 mpg Fish carburetor, but if you witnessed it in person, ridden in the car having one installed and reviewing his gas logs it was impressing. While his car didn't get 100 mpg, it did get 47 in a Buick Skylark which was a 74 or 75 with a 350 buick engine. The same guy that had that car also invented stuff and he made a 2 stroke V-8 that powered a huge generator that sipped gas, wish I had taken pictures of that back then.

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Even Nikola Tesla knew Newton was right....just saying?

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