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Any shooters on RS

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I have several shotguns and a marlin .22. I use the marlin for those vegetable stealin vermin that try to infest my gardens. I haven't taken old bessie (that is what I call my old Mossberg 500)out for a dance in years. Since I started Bowhunting, I haven't gun hunted for 11 years. My uncle was over after my cousins funeral this morning and told me this will probably be his last year deer hunting (he' 72). So, I think I'll take her out and dust her off. I'm gonna need some practice before fall gets here. I STILL do not want him to out shoot me :snooty: . He reminded me of the last season I hunted with him in 1999. Old Bessie, with her smooth bore and bead sight and 3" mags dropped a running 8 pointer at 105 yards in his tracks. I won 3 cases of beer off of my cousins that year with shots well over 100 yards. I am glad he reminded me. Kinda lights a fire. I had better practice, I'm sure they are still wanting their revenge :*****: :*****: :*****:

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Back in my teens we use to go plinkin all the time at my buddies, was a decent shot then my brother got out of the Marines and showed me how to really shoot. I've had a few longs and pistols over the years but now down to just the 38 pistol. Had a opossum that wouldn't stay off the porch in january and had to plink it. So I use it a couple of times a year to put ocassional opossum or racoon that wanders into the yard out of my misery. Only gun I wish I still had was the winchester 357 lever, now there was some plinkin!

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HI--I am what you would call a Junior Varsity hunter----I like to walk around and hope to bump into something bigger than the average to take as a trophy. Don't put too much effort into chasing stuff just to shoot it. I do like to shoot and recently bought one of my "bucket list" guns.... My uncle shoots competively and we are going to jointly develope less punuishing rounds for it.... I love Winchesters as much as Wheel Horses and have a real addiction to anything with a lever ---BUT--- I just HAD to buy a Winchester Model 70 in .458 Winchester Magnum,,,, I won't ever be going to Africa but with some light 45/70 type loads with 300--350 grain slugs it will show a deer whose boss. I found this baby online and as NOS... its a 2004 and was made about an hour away in New Haven CT---any Winchester I buy HAS to be made in New Haven.... yah maybe its a dumb thing but thats just the way it has to be for me. Heres a pic...... If you ever have a school Bus that needs to be put down gimme a call. This gun will take care of it!!! LOL.... I do also have the neccesary assortment of AR15's, AK47's and other military types...


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Nice Tony....that will come in handy if you ever get a sasquatch rattleing around your trash cans at night...I mean a 458 WinMag?

Glad it's your shoulder not mine? :handgestures-thumbup:

Incidently I have fired one before, a buddy at work used to participate in "Hemingway" matches & shot that caliber.

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My son, grandson, son inlaw, and I hunt quite abit. Mostly deer and small game. I have a H-R .44mag. with tactical stock and forearm, Also a Thompson-Center .50 cal. muzzleloader.

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If I can get my hands on it, I will shoot it. I hunt Deer, Turkey, Dove, and Phesant, mainly. I shoot archery, as well. I recently bought an Excalibur Crossbow that I am dieing to hunt and get something with. By far, my favorite shotgun is my Benelli Super Black Eagle II, and my favorite hand gun is my Rugger Vacarro, single action, in 45 long colt.

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Steve B.

Some great looking weapons guys!

While I would never refer to myself as a shooter, I have been a Gun Mech for the CF for 25yrs. I've never owned a firearm personally, but I've worked on everything from handguns through main battle tanks. Spent plenty of time on the ranges and can definately say that any excuse to make "BANG-BANG" is a good one in my books. I am always willing to go to a shoot, whatever is being fired. Over the years I've done a few rebuild for friends and family, love servicing old firearms. Part can be a bugger to find sometimes, but isn't that part of the fun? Probably my favorite was the .22 Cooey my grandfather left my brother. We did a complete rebuild and when the gun laws went crazy here in Canada, he had it de-watted and mounted. Bit of a shame, but he just couldn't bear to part with it and didn't want to deal with the new laws.

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i started hunting last year before that i had a .22 cal pelet gun that shot at 1400 fps that it kill starlings and sparrows with but know just like horses my hobby has grown i have my dads 45-70 that i took huntng and bought a savage .22 2 mosin nagant m91-30s this years and a mosin nagant m44 and have a rmington 870 shot gun and bought my wife an i a 9mm

my next investment is im goint to sporterize my one mosin nagant m 91 30 to make it my deer rifle cuase when you can spend 85 bucks for 440 rounds you can have fun shooting i can get pics if anyone want some

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The 45-70's are a fun round to shoot & expensive!

I have an old Winchester lever gun chambered for it.

I lik

i started hunting last year before that i had a .22 cal pelet gun that shot at 1400 fps that it kill starlings and sparrows with but know just like horses my hobby has grown i have my dads 45-70 that i took huntng and bought a savage .22 2 mosin nagant m91-30s this years and a mosin nagant m44 and have a rmington 870 shot gun and bought my wife an i a 9mm

my next investment is im goint to sporterize my one mosin nagant m 91 30 to make it my deer rifle cuase when you can spend 85 bucks for 440 rounds you can have fun shooting i can get pics if anyone want some

I have a few pellet guns also, with the new designs they're coming close to 22 rimfire performance.

The 45-70 is a cool old cartridge...I really enjoy shooting my old Winchester lever gun when I can, but the price of shells & the value of the gun itself...it's more or less a safe queen now.

The Mosins are great for a big bang/cheap shooter.

I'd really like to find an M44 carbine...the 91-30's are nice, but seem awfully long.

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im cutting 4 inches off the barrel and a new stock and all it will look like a 30 06 in lenth and all but shoot better

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Went out yesterday and put 50 rounds of 22 lr sub sonic through my 1952 Remington bolt gun.... what a sweet little gun that still drives tacks. 22 sub sonic is way quiet too and still had respectable power . I was shooting 3" groups off hand at 75 yards.... I may have to get back into squirrel hunting again---this oldie but goodie rifle deserves to get back out in the field.


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Sounds like fun, how about some pics Tony?

My FIL has a few old Remington bolt action rim fires.

I managed to meet up with a friend for some plinking last weekennd.

Had a lot of fun & first time I shot in about 4 years.

Gonna have to make more time for it.

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Thought this was rather timely. It was a beautiful spring day today, so I pulled my two youngest sons out of school a bit early and a friend and I took them out for some "clay pigeon" shooting -- their first time.

Here's me and the boys doing a "badass" pose!


The full album can be viewed here:


(Interesting sidenote: The site blocks the word s_k_e_e_t, but not the word "badass". Interesting.)

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You are a very lucky man to be young enough and in a place where you can be in the outdoors and teach your sons to hunt. I hope they learn the respect for firearms that today many people don't understand. I saved every nickle I could scrounge when I was a kid to buy my first .22 and for all the years I was married no matter what the issue was I never thought of resolving it with a firearm. THEY WERE FOR HUNTING AND SPORT! Today people who have no respect for firearms cause all of us the issues we have with guns now. You my friend and your boys are the picture of what this should be all about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations........may you never loose sight of that! :flags-canada:

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As a young boy I shot every weekend at my grandparents farm. Started young with a bb gun then to the pellet riffle eventually leading me to a few different .22 caliber rifles. I still have my old 10/22 that has to have several thousand rounds through it. i still get to hunt every now and then, i do own quite a few firearms. Here is a pic of my Smith and Wesson 500 for just about anything big on the planet...I plan to get the matching caliber barrel on my Thompson Pro Hunter. I have a couple different CCW pistols and my favorite of all is my HK USP40 custom. Daddy Don taught me all i know...My brother is also a Firearms Instructor with the Oklahoma City Police Department and on their pistol team.



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Chris looks like a good time, very sharp Ford SD too!

Steven those S&W 500's are not handguns...they are hand held portable cannon's!

Your 40 cal H&K is a good looking pistol too.

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OK, I've given into peer presure. Attached is pic of my all original 1944 Remington Rand 1911. This is a legit WWII pistol. And to think I carried this as my personal defense pistol for a couple of years. :snooty:


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I DID NOT MEAN TO MAKE THIS A POlTICIAL ISSUE In our country firearms are not for self defence, they are for sport and for hunting. Problem is, they are still trying to take them away from us based on the actions of irresponsible people, that was the point!

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Chris looks like a good time, very sharp Ford SD too!

Sharp eye Stephen! This is a VERY nice truck. My friend bought it a couple of months ago. 400 HP, 800 FLbs of Torque and every bell and whistle you could want. Plus he's getting almost 20 mpg driving it around town, which is significantly better than my Durango with a 318(ish)! My friend doesn't hesitate to put his stuff to work, but as the photos show, the care he takes of his vehicles (and his Wheel Horses) and his adherence to preventative maintenance is legendary among his friends. After he bought this, he sold his 1997 GMC 1500 4x4 (over 230K miles) for quite a tidy sum, and I swear the thing still smelt new!

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Prater, that USP (either one actually) is the gun you will own the longest. I carry the .45 full size USP and it is by far the most accurate hand gun I've ever shot. The octagonal twist barrel (no rifling), is rated at a minimum of 20,000 rounds, and will outlast anything in your arsenal. Great piece, and I like the china pencil detail work you did on the custom. Looks sharp.

P.S. Here's something I wrote years ago. You might find it handy: http://www.brandywineits.net/HK/H&K_Field_Stripping_new.pdf

As a young boy I shot every weekend at my grandparents farm. Started young with a bb gun then to the pellet riffle eventually leading me to a few different .22 caliber rifles. I still have my old 10/22 that has to have several thousand rounds through it. i still get to hunt every now and then, i do own quite a few firearms. Here is a pic of my Smith and Wesson 500 for just about anything big on the planet...I plan to get the matching caliber barrel on my Thompson Pro Hunter. I have a couple different CCW pistols and my favorite of all is my HK USP40 custom. Daddy Don taught me all i know...My brother is also a Firearms Instructor with the Oklahoma City Police Department and on their pistol team.

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Thanks Mike,

I finished a good breakdown cleaning not long ago...It was a good afternoon with my brother. I actually carried the HK when I was with Hughes County Sherriff's office, I purchased new with LEO discount back in 94 and had her ever since. I love the USP45 but my hand was a little small and I was more accurate with the USP40. Actually thinking about a compact HK45 as my next CCW. I actually carry my P22 more than anything else because of its compact size and I am deadly accurate with it, I am a shot placement advocate...



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At the range with the AR, too bad the after pic was blurry but you can still make out the shot placement...



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Here's one of mine at 25 yards, yes we're talking 75 feet, and Prater will attest to the accuracy of anything made by H&K ... The target is the result of 3 clips of 10. I have fairly large mitts so the full-sized 45 fits my hand really well. I've always suggested that any shooter in the market for a new gun should shoot everything they can get their hands on. You may like the way it looks but the proof is in the group when you fire it. If it truly fits you, they group like below.

Prater I do have one question for you though. As a LEO, and as one who carried the H&K as a service weapon, with what bullets did you commonly carry and why?



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The Tupper Wear guns are awsome.... but they are no 1911, IMO :flags-usa:

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Vinny, Vinny, Vinny ... Mind you, I am a big fan of the 1911, and it certainly has its place. But, I'll put my stock "Tupperware" gun up against your best competition 1911 and bet hard cash I'll walk away with the lot. Hell, I could even go head to head against your 1911 with a Sig Sauer P220 and clean up. Now if you have a CCW valid in PA, bring your 1911 along to the Big Show. There's a range we can use about 4 miles away so as to lay down a little wager (non-monetary of course but worth your while).

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