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Thats some weird contrail stuff, maybe its to make us all crazy..

How ya like the crop spraying, That's a friend of mine spraying my wheat field, he's kind of taking it easy this time, usually hes pretty wild. hahah

He use to have 9 McDonald Douglas steerman crop sprayers, grew up only 2 miles away, spent alot of time working on them, the worst thing was adjusting the magnetos during 3/4 throttle, standing on a wet tire between the prop and engine try to reach behind engine. What a Adrenaline Rush, that was the good old days..

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There are crops all around my shop, and I like watching those crop dusters, they look look like they have a really good time :scared-eek: , maybe to good. Looks like fun! :thumbs:

Matt :flags-texas:

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Jake Kuhn

Yeah crop dusting is pretty fun to watch. We have a blueberry farm and usually go check him out whenever he sprays at our farm.Jake

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Many "crop dusters" operate around Southern Indiana too.

It just amazes me when I watch these guys....They are really good pilots!

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Jake, you must have alot of blueberries, How many acres? Growing blueberries here in ND is alittle touchy, but maybe with the change in zones I can get some to really grow and not have to baby them so much..


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The one in the video was a helicopter pilot in vietnam, he's in his about 66 now but when we were younger, like our late 20's, he come through my dads farm, upside down and took a few wires with him, we still talk about that over a few beers, he wasnt going to tell anyone but when he landed there was about 200 ft of wire hanging off his struts and landing gear....hahaha

Lots of fun back then...

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Yep, good videos. The farm just north of me is sprayed every year. I think that guy is nuts. :eek: He does it with a helicopter. And, the way he turns on the ends makes my stomach turn. He goes straight up and turns and nose dives. I see him do that and I say NOPE :snooty: You would "NEVER" catch me doin that....... I really don't know how he doesn't stall that thing. Fun to watch with a coldie and the lawn chair.

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Jake Kuhn

Tim,we have about 20 acres at our farm. We usually only use him when it is too wet to spray with the tractor though.Jake

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