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Well i got a littel problem whit my Rearhub when i was plowing snow to day..... it went like this.


:angry-cussingblack: :angry-cussingblack:

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Well i got a littel problem whit my Rearhub when i was plowing snow to day..... it went like this.


:angry-cussingblack: :angry-cussingblack:

:angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: That Is a a bummer


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I honestly have to say that is the worst axle key way and hub I have ever seen!!!! Maybe to much :auto-layrubber: But I think we have ya fixed up!!

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can whlvr

OUCH,are you gonna replce that axle or try and weld and rebroach

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Ouch Lars, what kind of snow do you have in Norway.....the solid frozen kind?

Hubs can be replaced, that axle will take some work.

How are you at welding?

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:angry-banghead: ouch indeed, still, look on the bright side, you won't need the pullers. :text-imsorry: ;)

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ouch! thats serious...

a good chance to upgrade I think !

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just had a thought on and weld on the shaft, should not be a problem. difficult thing is to keep it cool so the seal does not melt .. but use air to cool the shaft would work ... have done it before, but not when it's so much, so I'm not sure

but anyway have ordered a new one (used one) and 2 heavy-duty wheel hub's is soon on its way to me

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I would remove that axle, by splitting the case and removing the c-clip that holds it in place. Then pull the axle out from the damaged end, which will prevent damage to the bearing. Take it to a machine shop, and have a new key way cut onto the other side of the axle. They can also clean up any marring (increase in OD by damaged area) that the worn key way created. Otherwise you may run into problems getting that axle back into a good hub.

Welding may work, but I would be concerned about changing the temper of the steel.

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Lars you must be a wild man!! How does something like that happen to a keyway in an axle?

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He uses it to haul his family of 12....that thing sees alot of abuse!

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Family of 12 :scared-eek: thats a buuusy man! :ROTF: Good luck with your axle. :thumbs:

Matt :flags-texas:

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Get yourself a big tube of JB Weld and a couple of hose clamps.......you will be back on the road in no time!!!!

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I would pull the axle and have it welded up and turned back smooth. Then key the other side. The welding need to be done a little at atime then allowed to cool before weld more. Any good machine shop can fix that axle.

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Yep i know them can fix it for me.. to let a macine shop here in norway to fix it is way more expensive then buy a new one.(used) that is in good shape.. to fix it at a machine shop here will cost me around $100.. is only when u weld on hardened steel then it can become brittle

The welding need to be done a little at atime then allowed to cool before weld more.. Or you can weld it all, and harden it up again .. which makes it expensive to do it here in Norway..

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Lars, is this the same tractor which featured in a video you posted up a while ago ?

The one of you towing a heavy trailer and popping lots of wheelies :lol:

:techie-idea: poor old hub , never stood a chance. :ychain:

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Lars, is this the same tractor which featured in a video you posted up a while ago ?

The one of you towing a heavy trailer and popping lots of wheelies :lol:

:techie-idea: poor old hub , never stood a chance. :ychain:

nope farmer is not that was my brothers c165..

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Well have done some work on my tractor.... here som pict.. IMAG0523.jpg Pc in the workshop is nice to have :)



IMAG0518.jpg and im now waiting for parts..

Have Clean up all the parts and the tranny house.. so it looks like new now..

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That oil looks a little bit on the "muddy side".....probably a good thing you are tearing it apart......might have had some water in it?????

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Looking good! :text-coolphotos:

Matt :flags-texas:

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Have finaly got parts to the tranny so i have fixed it and now its back on place.. WOHOOOO i can have some seat time again......


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That's Awesome! I bet you were feeling a little overdue to ride your Horse. Looks really good. :thumbs:

Matt :flags-texas:

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New Tires?

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