Don1977 604 #26 Posted March 3, 2012 Yes, the gas prices will slow down any buying for me, as I usually have to drive at least $50-$100 distance just to pick up a new tractor. It has already stopped a few purchases I would have made in the last couple months. 2008-$147.00 a barrel= $4.00 per gal. 2012-$107.00 a barrel= $4.00 per gal. That tell you what you dollars are worth now. I punched my yard and will spray for weeds but I'm afraid to fertilizer it because the price of gas. If I can kill my weeds and I don't get a lot of rain I can usually go two week between mowing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smoreau 658 #27 Posted March 3, 2012 It's getting to the point that you can increase the value of you car by how much gas is in it! Insurance company's are putting higher values on cars that get good gas mileage. A friend of mine had a caviler with 175000 miles on it and it got totaled and they gave him $1000 over blue book because it was good on gas. go figure I am sick of buying over priced gas!!!! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AMC RULES 37,144 #28 Posted March 3, 2012 I am sick of buying over priced gas!!!! Ditto! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rexman72 210 #29 Posted March 3, 2012 get rid of speculation period.Imagine speculating on what the price of wheelhorse tractors are going to be in the future. Banks that handle crude oil are manipulating the prices And we all know the middle east is in it to make money just like the american oil companies.None of the american preseidents have been able to do anything about this whether they being dems of repubs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Norlett 3 #30 Posted March 3, 2012 yep. its coming up to all our shows now.we do about six a year. Only about a thousand miles total in all.But when pulling a trailer laden with horse's Cost of fuel.Food.(not forgetting the beer.That weighs alot).It gets a dear hobby. But would'nt change it for the world.And we get to see lots of other types of tractors Etc. Just keep moaning and Putting the fuel in. :greetings-wavegreen: :greetings-wavegreen: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hm12460 53 #31 Posted March 4, 2012 The dirty, rotten +_)(*&^%$#@! scoundrels! I'm thinking about trading my F-150 for a little Toyota truck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smoreau 658 #32 Posted March 4, 2012 The dirty, rotten +_)(*&^%$#@! scoundrels! I'm thinking about trading my F-150 for a little Toyota truck. Hay I feel your pain at the pump! Keep your truck and get a gas miser. You will need the capability of your f150 for towing and hauling. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sparky-(Admin) 21,778 #33 Posted March 4, 2012 The dirty, rotten +_)(*&^%$#@! scoundrels! I'm thinking about trading my F-150 for a little Toyota truck. Hay I feel your pain at the pump! Keep your truck and get a gas miser. You will need the capability of your f150 for towing and hauling. Thats what I've done. I still have my 04 Dodge 2500 4x4 quad cab with a HEMI getting 11mpg(unloaded) for hauling chores but I usually drive my 07 Dodge Caliber with a 4 banger getting 28mpg. Unfortunately the Caliber wont tow anything. Mike........... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AMC RULES 37,144 #34 Posted March 4, 2012 Co-worker of mine just got a new Tacoma last fall...loves the truck, hates the gas mileage. :dunno: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smoreau 658 #35 Posted March 4, 2012 Last week I saw two motorcycles going by the shop at work, it was around 45deg, but I bet there will be a large amount of people getting more use of there bikes this summer. My service manager would ride his bike in rain or shine just to save gas. He said that he paid for his rain suit with just 2 weeks of savings from driving his bike compared to his van. I would get one if I didn't need to take Gabby to daycare before work and pick her up after work. So I'm stuck driving the old horse hauler venture van. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
farmer 1,075 #36 Posted March 4, 2012 In the UK the price of the actual product is relatively cheap, its the TAX which is the killer. Fuel duty and VAT are 65% of the total price, I don't know how your fuel is taxed in North America?....but petrol is CHEAP ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
perry 82 #37 Posted March 4, 2012 i miss my old 1982 chevy S-10 i sold a few years ago. pretty much maintenace free truck. 4 banger 5spd with 250,000 + miles on it and still got 28 mpg. and i hauled ALOT of tractors home and loads to the scrap yard with it. sometimes haveing one in the bed and 2 tractors w/attachments in the 10x5 trailer. yes it was a dog but a great little truck for local runs/short trips and stil decent mpg when loaded. the 1990 toyota 4x4 V6 pickup i have now feels like a tank .compared to my S-10. beefier suspension and lifted some. hauls more weight and averages about 17-22 mpg . i dont know about some of these newer cars/trucks. some do not get very good MPG's. it seems like some of the older big cars got pretty good gas milage with a V8 two barrel on them. i also think the gas burns up faster nowadays. electric cars may be ok for some( untill the batterys need replaceing) but we still need our pickups, SUV's and larger trucks to get anything get done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
squonk 42,005 #38 Posted March 4, 2012 The gas with ethanol has less BTU's so it does less work so yes it we have to burn more of it per mile. :*****: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
squonk 42,005 #39 Posted March 4, 2012 We can boycott buying fuel, stage rallies, even have the government mandate $2.00 gas. If China and India ECT. are willing to pay $100+ + for a barrel of oil that's who Exxon , BP, Shell are going to sell it to. We would have to convert to nat gas, elec , ect. ect. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lars 526 #40 Posted March 4, 2012 In Belgium we pay 2,26 dollar a litre or around 9 dollars a gallon! I think we should complain... Oh well, I think it's taking us all down. Hmm almost the same as we have here in norway.. 1 gallon of gas is $10.19= 1 liter is $2,69 1 gallon diesel is $ 9.79= 1 liter is $2.52 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AMC RULES 37,144 #41 Posted March 4, 2012 Ditto Perry...I'll be driving my little '03 S-10 untll it disintegrates. Vortec 4.3, consistently pulling down 18 mpg, gotta say It's the perfect little hauler. Wish Mr. Goodwrench still made 'em, 'cause it's built like a rock, Just like my Grandfather, and Father before me...I'll buy another bowtie in a heartbeat! :flags-waveusa: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
can whlvr 993 #42 Posted March 4, 2012 well as far as us compared to europe,we produce the fuel here,so it has to be shipped over seas to get to you,and we have alot of tax on our fuel also,ours went up 5 cents a litre overnight :banghead: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rexman72 210 #43 Posted March 4, 2012 canada produces alot of oil but once again the price is set on the world market.its called the nymex.Get rid of speculation and the price goes down.The oil companies do not set the price. well as far as us compared to europe,we produce the fuel here,so it has to be shipped over seas to get to you,and we have alot of tax on our fuel also,ours went up 5 cents a litre overnight Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lars 526 #44 Posted March 4, 2012 well as far as us compared to europe,we produce the fuel here,so it has to be shipped over seas to get to you,and we have alot of tax on our fuel also,ours went up 5 cents a litre overnight Although Norway are a small country .. but we are a fairly large oil producer. and produces quite a bit of oil we need not import anything here .. We export a lot of oil Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AMC RULES 37,144 #45 Posted March 4, 2012 well as far as us compared to europe,we produce the fuel here,so it has to be shipped over seas to get to you,and we have alot of tax on our fuel also,ours went up 5 cents a litre overnight Although Norway are a small country .. .. We export a lot of oil ...and import your 's Lars. :thumbs: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lars 526 #46 Posted March 4, 2012 well as far as us compared to europe,we produce the fuel here,so it has to be shipped over seas to get to you,and we have alot of tax on our fuel also,ours went up 5 cents a litre overnight Although Norway are a small country .. .. We export a lot of oil ...and import your 's Lars. LOL :banana-wrench: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JimD 3,345 #47 Posted March 4, 2012 I think it is all about the speculators on wall street. From what the news is saying, it is not supply and demand. If you guys remember, we went through this last year at this time and the price came back down in May/June. I stocked up on my Rock&Rye while the gas was at a lower price..pretty smart eh? Only you would think of that. :ROTF: :ROTF: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trouty56 567 #48 Posted March 5, 2012 In the UK the price of the actual product is relatively cheap, its the TAX which is the killer. Fuel duty and VAT are 65% of the total price, I don't know how your fuel is taxed in North America?....but petrol is CHEAP ! Our fuel is not taxed near a steep as yours. Probably the base price is close the same...about 3.25 bucks now. Different states here tax a little different and Washington takes some too. Total tax in PA is about 30 couple cents and Uncle Sam gets about 14 cents or so. We might have 50 total cents tax per gallon. One of the lowest in the world. We get taxed other ways of other ways!!! Ya know...we can't control the price so....we do what we can and let it roll off. Apparently we are all in this together. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
refracman 167 #49 Posted March 5, 2012 some food for thought oil consumption since 1995 has gone up 25% in the us, china 100%+, india 100%, if you figure in all the other products the use oil besides gas, and you would be suprised at what does now, the price is a refelction of that. The consumption rate VS the production rate was bound to parallel at some point. Also have you looked at your retirement plans ( this includes gov and union) to see how much is invested in oil companies and / or industries that use oil products or its byproducts directly into their products?. If the gov. desided to control priceing, how these stocks would be affected? The only way affect the price is lessen demand of a product and for the near future demand of this product will not deminish. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stevasaurus 22,973 #50 Posted March 5, 2012 Not sure if you guys have seen this yet...I found this on the shelf at my favorite NAPA. For $19.95 you can put this on your truck and improve your mileage by a considerable amount. You can wait for gas prices to go down and go back to any show you want, or you could go back to the sixties and buy .32 cent/gallon gas. These things will be flying of the shelves once the word gets out. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites