Terry M-(Moderator) 2,179 #51 Posted April 3, 2012 keeping busy with the 606, but want to ask...... Where do you guys like to go when your getting ready to buy Brand New tires for your restore? I'm looking to buy a pair of Ag tires for the rear and tri-ribs for the front. I'm guessing from the Internet . Any info appreciated,Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jake Kuhn 1,573 #52 Posted April 3, 2012 I would check ebay or millertire.com is a good place to get them too. Jake Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hodge71 664 #53 Posted April 3, 2012 I use tucker tire on ebay I have used them for about 10 years...plus they usually have free shipping on buy it now items. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CasualObserver 3,410 #54 Posted April 4, 2012 Terry, be sure not to exclude your local tire shop. Sometimes they'll have the best price (or will help you out with matching a price) and usually will mount tires for free when you buy them there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Terry M-(Moderator) 2,179 #55 Posted April 4, 2012 Terry, be sure not to exclude your local tire shop. Sometimes they'll have the best price (or will help you out with matching a price) and usually will mount tires for free when you buy them there. Thanks jason, I'll check around. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bowtiebutler956 650 #56 Posted April 4, 2012 Like Jeff, I also use Tucker Tire on I got 23x8.50-12 ags for 103.99 a pair, and 400x8 for $40 a pair from Tucker. Here is a pic. Matt :flags-texas: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Terry M-(Moderator) 2,179 #57 Posted April 5, 2012 I'll make sure I look at Tucker tire. Love the looks of that Tractor Matt !! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Terry M-(Moderator) 2,179 #58 Posted April 16, 2012 Had the rims powder coated last week. Here's a couple pics of them coming home in the back of my truck. I tried to pick the best available color trying to match something close to the Original color of the rims. What do you guys think? Also found the tires I wanted at of all places....Good Year. They gave me a deal that was hard to refuse and thats good because I believe in supporting the local business's when I can and supporting the venders when I can. I will post pictures of the mounted tires tommorrow if I can. Have many parts ready to be painted and have all the parts to do the tranny. JUST NEED SOME WARM WEATHER TO GET MORE DONE. It was snowing here this morning in Minnesota. Maybe I should move to Texas . 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bowtiebutler956 650 #59 Posted April 17, 2012 Come on down Terry, we would be happy to have ya! It was 94 here today. The wheels look great!! I can't wait to see it all put together. Matt :flags-texas: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dclarke 4,051 #60 Posted April 17, 2012 Lookin good Terry! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Terry M-(Moderator) 2,179 #61 Posted April 17, 2012 Come on down Terry, we would be happy to have ya! It was 94 here today. The wheels look great!! I can't wait to see it all put together. Matt Thanks Matt! If things don't warm-up soon, I might take you up on your offer and head south. :auto-camptrailer: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Terry M-(Moderator) 2,179 #62 Posted April 17, 2012 Had the Tires mounted today. Now I just need to finish the trans and paint the frame and other parts so I have a rolling frame to work with. I'll just wait for good weather instead of complaining all the time . How was the weather in texas Matt? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Martin 2,133 #63 Posted April 18, 2012 looking good terry. bet your getting antsy about getting it into a rolling frame.......... wheels look great. you said earlier that you got the tires from goodyear. the fronts look like deestones... are they? what rears did you end up getting? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Terry M-(Moderator) 2,179 #64 Posted April 18, 2012 Yes Martin, The fronts are Deestones. The rears are carlisels . I had them tubed because I thought it would be a good Idea. I hope I was right. I know they don't look original but I think those AG/ tri-ribs look really nice. Anyway..yes I can't wait to get to a rolling frame. My next step is to assemble the trans (wish me luck ) and paint the trans ,frame and front axel stuff... Then start putting stuff together when time is available. I think I have almost every part I need, except for the smaller stuff like nuts , bolts,misl. stuff etc....... Also going to get a few more things from toro,but thats not a big hurry. Another big project will be rebuilding the hh60 that denny gave me. looking forward to doing it but not so sure about the availability of parts...but we'll see. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
neil 2,410 #65 Posted April 18, 2012 Tires look great , were they fitted at the tire shop as i am a little worried about taking mine to the tire shop as ive seen the guys that fit them throwing the rims around a bit when installing the tire , i have seen them using a tire lever on the rim and was worried they would damage the paintwork .. How were yours put on? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Terry M-(Moderator) 2,179 #66 Posted April 18, 2012 Tires look great , were they fitted at the tire shop as i am a little worried about taking mine to the tire shop as ive seen the guys that fit them throwing the rims around a bit when installing the tire , i have seen them using a tire lever on the rim and was worried they would damage the paintwork .. How were yours put on? Thanks Neil.... They used a smalI manual tire changer mounted to the floor. I was a little worried also but I explained to them that the rims were just painted and that they were for a tractor I was restoring. They seemed very understanding and they'd try their best to be careful. there were some very small marks on the axel sides of the rims edge right next to the tires that they showed me after the tires were mounted , but I really didn't think it was that noticable. Overall I think they did a pretty good job. I would be a little worried too about having some places do the mounting ,but this time it worked out good! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Terry M-(Moderator) 2,179 #67 Posted April 20, 2012 finally have blades for my 606. never thought I'd find any... until they started poping up on ebay. Thanks Denny! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dclarke 4,051 #68 Posted April 21, 2012 Looks like they'll work, glad you found a set. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wheelhorse656 20 #69 Posted April 21, 2012 Great looking work terry!! P.M. me and I can get you ll the parts for HH60 with out a problem. Good Luck and agian GREAT WORK!!! :thumbs: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bowtiebutler956 650 #70 Posted April 21, 2012 Looking good Terry! I'm still waiting for you to head this way. It rained some today, and the high was about 85. You just need to come on down for awhile, and finish your resto hear. My shop is your shop, but beware I can be a little bit of a slob at times. Matt :flags-texas: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Terry M-(Moderator) 2,179 #71 Posted April 21, 2012 Looking good Terry! I'm still waiting for you to head this way. It rained some today, and the high was about 85. You just need to come on down for awhile, and finish your resto hear. My shop is your shop, but beware I can be a little bit of a slob at times. Matt I know it seems I'm , but If minnesota doesn't warm-up soon, I'll be on my way down with just me and my horse in a trailer . 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bowtiebutler956 650 #72 Posted April 21, 2012 Looking good Terry! I'm still waiting for you to head this way. It rained some today, and the high was about 85. You just need to come on down for awhile, and finish your resto hear. My shop is your shop, but beware I can be a little bit of a slob at times. Matt I know it seems I'm , but If minnesota doesn't warm-up soon, I'll be on my way down with just me and my horse in a trailer . My Horse and I would love to have some friends to horse around with. Matt :flags-texas: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bowtiebutler956 650 #73 Posted April 21, 2012 So Terry, are you on the road yet? I'll be cleaning out a section of my shop for ya to work in. Matt :flags-texas: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Terry M-(Moderator) 2,179 #74 Posted April 21, 2012 So Terry, are you on the road yet? I'll be cleaning out a section of my shop for ya to work in. Matt sounds good, gotta find all my parts for the 606 and find a trailer big enough to put them in. I just gotta find my cowboy hat then I'm set! :USA: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Terry M-(Moderator) 2,179 #75 Posted April 22, 2012 spending today working on my 5053 trans for the 606. I now have all the parts to assemble my trans. Here is my first step.... removing the input shafts internal bearing. used a carbide grinding bit and an old screw driver ground and converted to a mini chisel to get it out. Took a while but I got the job done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites