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Stuck Needle Seat

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I took the carb off my my D-180 yesterday and soaked it overnight in Berrymans. It came out very well. While disassembling it, I was unable to get the needle seat out. I left it in and figured that I would find a way to remove it after it's much cleaner. So after cleaning it up today, I have still not been able to get the needle seat out. I am starting to gall the brass. I have tried every screwdriver that I have, but no matter how hard I turn it, the brass wants to mar instead of the threads coming loose.

So, my questions to the experts are:

Does anyone know of a good method for getter a stuck needle seat out?

Will I have to drill it out and replace it?

If so, are there specific sizes that I need to worry about finding?

Any help that you guys can throw my way would be appreciated.



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are you talking about the main jet for the high speed needle?

not sure what carb you are rebuilding, but if its similar to the smaller kohler carbs 10 hp etc then i would just leave it be. you dont really need to remove it, unless its now damaged.....

is this it?


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can whlvr

ive never drilled a seat out,but if you have too id consider taking it to a machine shop,it will have to be very precise to acept the new seat,there are pastes you put in the slot that add grab to the screw driver,are you sure you even need a new seat,id be trying it before i went to that much trouble,good luck,im sorry i dont remeber the pastes name,but it has grit in it and supposedely works good

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are you talking about the main jet for the high speed needle?

not sure what carb you are rebuilding, but if its similar to the smaller kohler carbs 10 hp etc then i would just leave it be. you dont really need to remove it, unless its now damaged.....

is this it?


Thanx Martin. Yep, that's it. I have always taken them out and cleaned them before dozens of times. Never had a problem like this one before. I am on the verge of damaging it. Don't want to go much further unless there is a better trick to it, or a new one can be easily had.

I do have a donor carb from a 14HP kohler K series, but I don't know if they are interchangeable, or have specific specs.

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ive never drilled a seat out,but if you have too id consider taking it to a machine shop,it will have to be very precise to acept the new seat,there are pastes you put in the slot that add grab to the screw driver,are you sure you even need a new seat,id be trying it before i went to that much trouble,good luck,im sorry i dont remeber the pastes name,but it has grit in it and supposedely works good

Thanx can whlvr, I have a drill press and am able to drill it out if need be. I have several easyouts that should be able to pull it out after I enlarge it enough. I think I'll look around for the paste that you are talking about.

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ive tried to get them out in the past, but i usually give up on them before i open a bigger can of worms. the last couple carb rebuilds i just left them alone. if you dont get it out cleanly, and damage that area, the carb will end up junk.

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ive tried to get them out in the past, but i usually give up on them before i open a bigger can of worms. the last couple carb rebuilds i just left them alone. if you dont get it out cleanly, and damage that area, the carb will end up junk.

I've never had a problem getting them out in the past. Dozens of times. This one has me stumped. I might just take your advice and not mess with it anymore. Been looking around the internet, and can't seem to even ID the part except for people wondering how to get them out and/or get new ones.


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this site has some good info.....


Thanx Martin. I am familiar with Brian's website. I took the time to read that page more thoroughly this time. Seems you can't get those seats at all, and he has them custom made. He advises to just leave them alone. I think that is what I am going to do. Hopefully I didn't mar it too much.

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